A responsabilidade tributária na dissolução irregular da sociedade
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Andreozi, Giovanna Bozzato
Sabbag, Eduardo de Moraes
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Neste trabalho tenho a intenção de abordar um tema de relevante importância e discussão no mundo jurídico que se trata da responsabilidade tributária, mais especificamente da possibilidade de se atingir o sócio de uma sociedade empresarial por uma obrigação tributária contraída pela empresa. Explico neste trabalho que a responsabilização de terceiros pode ocorrer por uma atuação regular, como é o caso dos pais que se responsabilizam pelas obrigações tributárias contraídas pelos filhos menores, assim como os tutores e curadores, pelas obrigações dos tutelados e curatelados e, a títulos de exemplo o inventariante pelas obrigações do espólio, responsabilização esta que está presente no artigo 134 do Código Tributário Nacional. No entanto, a responsabilização dos sócios, seria enquadrada em outra espécie de responsabilidade de terceiros, sendo ela, a responsabilidade por atuação irregular, a qual terei maior foco neste trabalho, de forma a retratar os principais entendimentos dos Tribunais, assim como compilar os principais artigos que tratam da matéria. Ocorre que para tratar de tal tema, devemos ter o conhecimento primordial acerca da obrigação tributária, seus elementos e seu surgimento. Dito isto, passo a explanação do primeiro capítulo desta monografia.
In this paper, I intend to address a topic of relevant importance and discussion in the legal world, which is tax liability, more specifically the possibility of reaching the partner of a business company due to a tax obligation contracted by the company. I explain in this paper that third party accountability can occur for a regular performance, as is the case of parents who are responsible for the tax obligations incurred by minor children, as well as tutors and trustees, for the obligations of tutelage and curatelados and, in example the inventor for the estate's obligations, this responsibility that is present in article 134 of the National Tax Code. However, the accountability of the partners would be framed in another kind of responsibility of third parties, being the responsibility for irregular performance, which I will have a greater focus on in this work, in order to portray the main understandings of the Courts, as well as compile the main articles dealing with the matter. It turns out that in order to deal with such a theme, we must have primordial knowledge about the tax obligation, its elements and its appearance. That said, I will explain the first chapter of this monograph.
In this paper, I intend to address a topic of relevant importance and discussion in the legal world, which is tax liability, more specifically the possibility of reaching the partner of a business company due to a tax obligation contracted by the company. I explain in this paper that third party accountability can occur for a regular performance, as is the case of parents who are responsible for the tax obligations incurred by minor children, as well as tutors and trustees, for the obligations of tutelage and curatelados and, in example the inventor for the estate's obligations, this responsibility that is present in article 134 of the National Tax Code. However, the accountability of the partners would be framed in another kind of responsibility of third parties, being the responsibility for irregular performance, which I will have a greater focus on in this work, in order to portray the main understandings of the Courts, as well as compile the main articles dealing with the matter. It turns out that in order to deal with such a theme, we must have primordial knowledge about the tax obligation, its elements and its appearance. That said, I will explain the first chapter of this monograph.
direito tributário , responsabilidade tributária , responsabilidade de terceiros , tax law , tax liability , third party liability