A volta do morto presumido: o caminho processual para a recuperação patrimonial
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Caldas, Natã Filipi Naves
Theophilo Neto, Nuncio
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A entrada em vigor do Código Civil de 2002 trouxe inúmeras novidades e atualizações conceituais, e, consequentemente, processuais, para o direito brasileiro. Entre outras novidades, o artigo 7º ao fundamentar novas hipóteses para a decretação da morte e encerramento da personalidade civil por meio da possibilidade de decretação de morte presumida, acabou por não indicar o meio cabível para a reparação de um possível erro na presunção de morte declarada por um juíz.
Ocorrendo assim essa remota, mas possível hipótese, o cidadão que fora incorretamente declarado como morto não teria, em um primeiro momento, meios claros para conseguir desconstituir sua “morte” bem como poderia encontrar diversos problemas, não só relacionais e familiares, mas como patrimoniais, que é o foco deste artigo.
Assim, o foco deste artigo foi a verificação da possibilidade de se estipular um caminho processual lógico para a pretensão da hipótese levantada, o que foi confirmado pela aplicação de mecanismos previstos na legislação processual brasileira.
The entry into force of the Civil Code of 2002 brought conceptual updates and updates, and consequently procedural for Brazilian law. Among other novelties, Article 7 provides fundamental new hypotheses for the decree of death and the closure of the civil personality through the possibility of decree of presumed death, in the end it did not indicate the appropriate means to compensate for a possible error in the presumed death. by a judge. With this remote but possible hypothesis occurring, the citizen who is incorrectly declared as dead would not have, at first, clear means to be able to deconstruct his "death" as well as could encounter several problems, not only relational and family, but as patrimonial, which is the focus of this article. Thus, the focus of this article was to verify the possibility of stipulating a logical procedural path for the claim of the hypothesis raised, which was confirmed by the application of mechanisms provided for in the Brazilian procedural legislation.
The entry into force of the Civil Code of 2002 brought conceptual updates and updates, and consequently procedural for Brazilian law. Among other novelties, Article 7 provides fundamental new hypotheses for the decree of death and the closure of the civil personality through the possibility of decree of presumed death, in the end it did not indicate the appropriate means to compensate for a possible error in the presumed death. by a judge. With this remote but possible hypothesis occurring, the citizen who is incorrectly declared as dead would not have, at first, clear means to be able to deconstruct his "death" as well as could encounter several problems, not only relational and family, but as patrimonial, which is the focus of this article. Thus, the focus of this article was to verify the possibility of stipulating a logical procedural path for the claim of the hypothesis raised, which was confirmed by the application of mechanisms provided for in the Brazilian procedural legislation.
morte presumida , código civil de 2002 , direito procesual cívil , presumed death , 2002 civil code , civil procedural law