Fake news e Coronavírus: a responsabilidade civil do propagador e o combate à desinformação
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Barros, Natã Almeida Rocha
Ramos, Tais
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A origem e contaminação do Coronavírus (SARS-CoV-2) foi um marco histórico, entretanto, mesmo diante de várias mortes e prejuízos ocasionados pela doença, várias pessoas compartilharam notícias falsas sobre a doença, no que diz respeito ao tratamento e cura. Nesse sentido, qual a responsabilidade dos propagadores de Fake News sobre o Coronavírus no Brasil? Dessa forma, o presente artigo científico tem como objetivo (i) pesquisar sobre o Coronavírus, Fake News e as suas origens; (ii) saber quais as penalidades e consequências jurídicas podem ser impostas aos propagadores de Fake News; e (iii) buscar meios que porventura possam solucionar a desinformação e, consequentemente, diminuir a propagação de Fake News.
The origin and contamination of the Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) was a historic landmark, however, even in the face of several deaths and losses caused by the disease, several people shared false news about the disease, with regard to treatment and cure. In this sense, what is the responsibility of the spreaders of Fake News about the Coronavirus in Brazil? Thus, this scientific article aims to (i) research on Coronavirus, Fake News and its origins; (ii) know what penalties and legal consequences can be imposed on Fake News propagators; and (iii) look for ways that may solve the misinformation and, consequently, reduce the spread of Fake News.
The origin and contamination of the Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) was a historic landmark, however, even in the face of several deaths and losses caused by the disease, several people shared false news about the disease, with regard to treatment and cure. In this sense, what is the responsibility of the spreaders of Fake News about the Coronavirus in Brazil? Thus, this scientific article aims to (i) research on Coronavirus, Fake News and its origins; (ii) know what penalties and legal consequences can be imposed on Fake News propagators; and (iii) look for ways that may solve the misinformation and, consequently, reduce the spread of Fake News.
fake news , responsabilidade civil , Coronavírus , civil responsibility