Denúncia espontânea e a compensação em matéria tributária: os efeitos da Denúncia Espontânea na Extinção do Crédito Tributário pela Compensação
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Rezende, Fernando Cavalcanti de Albuquerque
Sabbag, Eduardo de Moraes
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Ante a notável falta de consenso jurisprudencial sobre o tema, o presente artigo tem como objeto
a análise da aplicação dos efeitos da denúncia espontânea, prevista no Art. 138 do Código
Tributário Nacional (“CTN”) na extinção do crédito tributário pelo instituto da compensação,
na melhor forma do Art. 156, II, do CTN. A discussão, em verdade, diz respeito a interpretação
do tema pagamento, tal como exposto no art. 138 do CTN. Para tal análise, foram analisadas
diversas decisões proferidas pelo Conselho Administrativo de Recursos Fiscais (CARF) e pelo
Superior Tribunal de Justiça, além da melhor doutrina sobre o tema, a fim de compreender os
fundamentos de tal controvérsia em nosso sistema jurídico. A partir de tal análise, foi possível
verificar que, muito embora o Superior Tribunal de Justiça não aceite a extensão dos efeitos da
denúncia espontânea na compensação fiscal com base em fundamentos que não nos parecem
razoáveis, a jurisprudência administrativa vem proferindo irretocáveis decisões sobre o tema,
partindo da interpretação do termo pagamento como adimplemento, para aceitar a utilização dos
efeitos da denúncia espontânea na extinção do crédito tributário pela compensação.
Regarding the notable lack of jurisprudential consensus on the subject, this article aims to analyze the application of the effects of spontaneous denunciation, provided in Article 138 of the National Tax Code (“CTN”) in the extinction of tax liability, using the compensation institute, in the best form of Art. 156, II, of the Brazilian Tax code (“CTN”). The discussion, in fact, concerns the interpretation of the payment theme, as exposed in art. 138 of the Tax Code (“CTN”). For this analysis, several decisions handed down by the Administrative Council for Tax Appeals (CARF) and the Superior Court of Justice were analyzed, in addition to the best doctrine on the subject, in order to understand the foundations of such controversy in our legal system. From this analysis, it was possible to verify that, although the Superior Court of Justice does not accept the extent of the spontaneous denunciation's effects on tax compensation based on grounds that do not seem reasonable to us, the administrative jurisprudence has been giving final decisions on the subject, based on the interpretation of the term payment as payment, to accept the use of the effects of spontaneous denunciation in the extinction of the tax credit for compensation.
Regarding the notable lack of jurisprudential consensus on the subject, this article aims to analyze the application of the effects of spontaneous denunciation, provided in Article 138 of the National Tax Code (“CTN”) in the extinction of tax liability, using the compensation institute, in the best form of Art. 156, II, of the Brazilian Tax code (“CTN”). The discussion, in fact, concerns the interpretation of the payment theme, as exposed in art. 138 of the Tax Code (“CTN”). For this analysis, several decisions handed down by the Administrative Council for Tax Appeals (CARF) and the Superior Court of Justice were analyzed, in addition to the best doctrine on the subject, in order to understand the foundations of such controversy in our legal system. From this analysis, it was possible to verify that, although the Superior Court of Justice does not accept the extent of the spontaneous denunciation's effects on tax compensation based on grounds that do not seem reasonable to us, the administrative jurisprudence has been giving final decisions on the subject, based on the interpretation of the term payment as payment, to accept the use of the effects of spontaneous denunciation in the extinction of the tax credit for compensation.
denúncia espontânea , compensação , multa , crédito tributário , extinção do crédito tributário , spontaneous denunciation , tax compensation , fine , tax debts , extinguishment of tax liability