Ressocialização e reintegração dos presos
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Sarue, Denise
Figueiredo, Maria Patrícia Vanzolini
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A presente dissertação tem por objetivo a análise da importância da ressocialização e reintegração dos presos no momento do cumprimento da pena e quando do seu retorno ao convívio social. O estudo se iniciará com a discussão sobre as finalidades da pena, qual a teoria atualmente adotada no ordenamento brasileiro e a importância do princípio da ressocialização como finalidade da pena. A partir disso, será possível explorar os institutos da execução presentes no ordenamento brasileiro, quais os requisitos para a sua aplicação e como proporcionam a reintegração gradual do condenado à sociedade. Por fim, a dissertação irá abordar os desafios presentes na realidade brasileira quando do retorno do sentenciado ao convívio social, tendo em vista o preconceito que enfrentará pela sociedade e a falta de ações afirmativas proporcionadas pelo Estado, o que resulta na falta de oportunidades para a sua reintegração. Ainda, será feita uma análise da alta reincidência da pena privativa de liberdade, tendo em vista a sua deficiência no processo de ressocialização. Logo, o objetivo da presente monografia é analisar a efetiva ressocialização e reintegração dos presos, para que, desse modo, seja possível propiciar novas oportunidades aos presos e, consequentemente, evitar o alto índice de reincidência e de violência no Brasil.
The purpose of this dissertation is to analyse the importance of rehabilitation and reintegration of the prisoners while serving their sentence and when re-introducing them into society. The research will begin with the discussion about the purpose of the penalty, which theory is currently applied in the Brazilian legal order and the importance of the rehabilitation as a purpose of the penalty. After that, it will be possible to explore the institutes of the brazilian penal execution and how it support a gradual reintegration of the prisoner into society. Furthermore, the dissertation will discuss the challenges that the prisoner will deal with when re-introduced into society, such as prejudice and the lack of affirmative actions to promote equal opportunities, which results in few opportunities to the reintegration of the prisoner. Also, it will be explored the high criminal reccurence of the prisoners, bearing in mind the disablement of the prison in the process of ressocialization. To sum up, the purpose of this graduation work is to study the ressocialization and the reintegration of the prisoners that will be able to provide new possibilities to the convicted and, as a consequence, avoid a high criminal reccurence.
The purpose of this dissertation is to analyse the importance of rehabilitation and reintegration of the prisoners while serving their sentence and when re-introducing them into society. The research will begin with the discussion about the purpose of the penalty, which theory is currently applied in the Brazilian legal order and the importance of the rehabilitation as a purpose of the penalty. After that, it will be possible to explore the institutes of the brazilian penal execution and how it support a gradual reintegration of the prisoner into society. Furthermore, the dissertation will discuss the challenges that the prisoner will deal with when re-introduced into society, such as prejudice and the lack of affirmative actions to promote equal opportunities, which results in few opportunities to the reintegration of the prisoner. Also, it will be explored the high criminal reccurence of the prisoners, bearing in mind the disablement of the prison in the process of ressocialization. To sum up, the purpose of this graduation work is to study the ressocialization and the reintegration of the prisoners that will be able to provide new possibilities to the convicted and, as a consequence, avoid a high criminal reccurence.
ressocialização dos presos , reintegração , finalidades da pena , execução penal , falta de apoio aos egressos , rehabilitation of the prisoners , reintegration , the purpose of the penalty , Brazilian penal execution , lack of support to the ex-convicteds