Alcance e limites da submissão às autoridades diante da exegese de 1 Pedro 2.11-17
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Andrada, Bruno Lima Caldeira de
Aquino, João Paulo Thomaz de
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A perícope de 1 Pedro 2.11-17 traz ensinamentos sobre como o cristão deve ser submisso às autoridades instituídas por Deus a fim de glorificar o nome de Deus e ser fiel testemunha de Cristo, mesmo diante de situações adversas e sob perseguição. A submissão se revela na obediência às leis e ordenanças dos governos seculares, tendo como limite as Escrituras Sagradas, sendo o cristão um bom cidadão que, em última instância, obedece a Deus. Além disso, a submissão às autoridades passa pela participação ativa da Igreja de Cristo nas relações político-sociais em que esteja presente, sendo sal e luz no mundo caído, cumprindo sua missão em fazer discípulos e pregar o Evangelho e fazendo diferença na sociedade.
The pericope of 1 Peter 2.11-17 brings teachings about how the christian must be submissive to the authorities instituted by God to glorify the name of God and be a faithful witness of Christ, even in the face of adverse situations and under persecution. Submission is revealed in obedience to the laws and ordinances of secular governments, with the Holy Scriptures as a limit, the Christian being a good citizen who, ultimately, obeys God. In addition, submission to the authorities involves the active participation of the Church of Christ in the political-social relations in which it is present, being salt and light in the fallen world, fulfilling its mission of making disciples and preaching the Gospel and making a difference in society.
The pericope of 1 Peter 2.11-17 brings teachings about how the christian must be submissive to the authorities instituted by God to glorify the name of God and be a faithful witness of Christ, even in the face of adverse situations and under persecution. Submission is revealed in obedience to the laws and ordinances of secular governments, with the Holy Scriptures as a limit, the Christian being a good citizen who, ultimately, obeys God. In addition, submission to the authorities involves the active participation of the Church of Christ in the political-social relations in which it is present, being salt and light in the fallen world, fulfilling its mission of making disciples and preaching the Gospel and making a difference in society.
submissão , autoridade , limites , justiça , política , submission , authority , limits , justice , policy