Fundamentalismo cristão e liberalismo teológico: uma análise histórica e teológica
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Leite, Fúlvio Anderson Pereira
Lima, Leandro Antonio de
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Está pesquisa tem como tema ‘O Fundamentalismos Cristão e Liberalismo Teológico através de uma análise histórica e teológica’ do embate ocorrido entre teólogos liberais e fundamentalistas, no início do século XX. E como argumentação adjacente, porém, necessária para a compreensão do tema, trata sobre a inerrância, a inspiração divina das Escrituras Sagradas e outras doutrinas consideradas fundamentais para o cristianismo ortodoxo. Os objetivos são: a análise da tensão existente entre os dois movimentos e a reação fundamentalista em face aos ataques dos liberais, além disso, propõe novos métodos de interpretação bíblica. Para alcançar os alvos propostos, utilizou-se, como fundamento metodológico, a técnica da pesquisa bibliográfica. Nomes importantes tais como: Friedrich Schleiermacher, considerado pai liberalismo teológico do século XIX, e John Grasham Machen e Carl McIntire, como pensadores que se destacam no movimento Fundamentalista, fazem parte da bibliografia utilizada, dentre outros. O texto final está dividido em três capítulos: no primeiro, demonstrou-se o surgimento e a influência do Racionalismo, do Iluminismo e do Romantismo na gênese do Liberalismo Teológico do século XIX; no segundo, apresentou-se a origem e o impacto do Liberalismo na fé ortodoxa; no terceiro, expôs-se como o movimento fundamentalista reagiu às novas ideias da Teologia Liberal.
The subject of this study is "Christian Fundamentalism and Theological Liberalism through a Historical and Theological Analysis" of the clash between liberal and fundamentalist theologians at the beginning of the twentieth century. The clash took place at the beginning of the twentieth century. And as an adjacent but necessary argument for understanding the subject, it deals with inerrancy, the divine inspiration of the Scriptures, and other doctrines considered fundamental to Orthodox Christianity. The objectives are: to analyse the existing tensions between the two movements and the reaction of fundamentalists to the attacks of liberals, as well as to propose new methods of biblical interpretation. In order to achieve the proposed objectives, the bibliographic research technique was used as a methodological basis. Important names such as Friedrich Schleiermacher, considered the father of 19th century theological liberalism, and John Grasham Machen and Carl McIntire as thinkers who excelled in the fundamentalist movement, among others, are part of the bibliography used. The concluding text is divided into three chapters: the first shows the origins and influence of rationalism, the Enlightenment, and Romanticism on the emergence of theological liberalism in the 19th century; the second presents the origins and impact of liberalism on the orthodox faith; and the third shows how the fundamentalist movement responded to the new ideas of liberal theology.
The subject of this study is "Christian Fundamentalism and Theological Liberalism through a Historical and Theological Analysis" of the clash between liberal and fundamentalist theologians at the beginning of the twentieth century. The clash took place at the beginning of the twentieth century. And as an adjacent but necessary argument for understanding the subject, it deals with inerrancy, the divine inspiration of the Scriptures, and other doctrines considered fundamental to Orthodox Christianity. The objectives are: to analyse the existing tensions between the two movements and the reaction of fundamentalists to the attacks of liberals, as well as to propose new methods of biblical interpretation. In order to achieve the proposed objectives, the bibliographic research technique was used as a methodological basis. Important names such as Friedrich Schleiermacher, considered the father of 19th century theological liberalism, and John Grasham Machen and Carl McIntire as thinkers who excelled in the fundamentalist movement, among others, are part of the bibliography used. The concluding text is divided into three chapters: the first shows the origins and influence of rationalism, the Enlightenment, and Romanticism on the emergence of theological liberalism in the 19th century; the second presents the origins and impact of liberalism on the orthodox faith; and the third shows how the fundamentalist movement responded to the new ideas of liberal theology.
liberalismo , fundamentalismo , Escritura Sagrada , liberalism , fundamentalism , Holy Scripture