A habitação interna do Espírito Santo nos crentes do Antigo Testamento
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Lima, Marcio Batista de
Santos Jr., Daniel
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O presente trabalho refere-se à habitação interna do Espírito Santo na vida do remanescente fiel do Antigo Testamento. Coloca-se em oposição à opinião de que o Espírito Santo não habitava nos crentes da antiga dispensação, e àqueles que pensam que sua presença era seletiva e temporária, antes entende que a atuação do Espírito Santo é perene e interna na vida dos fiéis, assim como foi nos cristãos do Novo Testamento, que apesar de morar no membro da antiga aliança, havia uma promessa, cuja extensão seria mais elevada que o período do Velho Testamento, o que de fato se cumpriu no dia de Pentecostes.
This thesis refers to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the life of the faithful remnant of the Old Testament. Stands in opposition to the opinion that the Spirit did not dwell in the believers of the old dispensation, and those who think that his presence was selective and temporary, before the opinion that the action of the Holy Spirit is perennial and internal in the life of the believer, as well as was in the New Testament Christians, who despite living member of the old covenant was a promise, whose extension would be higher than the period of the Old Testament, which indeed was fulfilled at Pentecost.
This thesis refers to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the life of the faithful remnant of the Old Testament. Stands in opposition to the opinion that the Spirit did not dwell in the believers of the old dispensation, and those who think that his presence was selective and temporary, before the opinion that the action of the Holy Spirit is perennial and internal in the life of the believer, as well as was in the New Testament Christians, who despite living member of the old covenant was a promise, whose extension would be higher than the period of the Old Testament, which indeed was fulfilled at Pentecost.
Espírito Santo , habitação , depravação total , regeneração , Holy Spirit , indwelling , total depravity , regeneration