O desvio da congregação dos justos: uma análise do Salmo 1
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Sales, Timóteo Araújo Oliveira de
Santos Júnior, Daniel
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O presente artigo traz um estudo exegético do salmo primeiro, buscando como ponto de partida entender a mensagem do autor a partir da defesa de uma tese de tradução da expressão “o caminho dos ímpios perecerá”. Assim, em um primeiro momento, faremos uma análise contextual do salmo, com a qual discutimos questões de autoria, localização no saltério e na Escritura, além da ligação do salmo com outros trechos da Escritura; depois, analisamos toda a estrutura e sentido do salmo, mas reservando o último versículo para uma análise mais acurada, já propondo e demonstrando uma estrutura quiasmática que engloba todo o salmo; e por fim, apontamos que a Congregação dos Justos, assim como o bem-aventurado, se desvia do caminho dos ímpios, e isso é demonstrado a partir da releitura do termo “perecerá”, que apesar de ser uma proposta válida de tradução, não nos parece ser a mais viável na análise do discurso, gramática e estrutura do salmo.
This article presents an exegetical study of the first psalm, seeking as a starting point to understand the author's message from the defense of a translation thesis of the expression “the way of the wicked shall perish”. Thus, at first, we will make a contextual analysis of the psalm, with which we discuss issues of authorship, location in the psalter and in Scripture, in addition to the psalm's connection with other passages of Scripture; then, we analyze the entire structure and meaning of the psalm, but reserving the last verse for a more accurate analysis, already proposing and demonstrating a chiasmatic structure that encompasses the entire psalm; and finally, we point out that the Congregation of the Just, like the blessed, deviates from the path of the wicked, and this is demonstrated from the re-reading of the term “will perish”, which despite being a valid proposal of translation, does not seems to us to be the most viable in the analysis of the discourse, grammar and structure of the psalm.
This article presents an exegetical study of the first psalm, seeking as a starting point to understand the author's message from the defense of a translation thesis of the expression “the way of the wicked shall perish”. Thus, at first, we will make a contextual analysis of the psalm, with which we discuss issues of authorship, location in the psalter and in Scripture, in addition to the psalm's connection with other passages of Scripture; then, we analyze the entire structure and meaning of the psalm, but reserving the last verse for a more accurate analysis, already proposing and demonstrating a chiasmatic structure that encompasses the entire psalm; and finally, we point out that the Congregation of the Just, like the blessed, deviates from the path of the wicked, and this is demonstrated from the re-reading of the term “will perish”, which despite being a valid proposal of translation, does not seems to us to be the most viable in the analysis of the discourse, grammar and structure of the psalm.
sabedoria , bem-aventurado , justo , ímpio , Wisdom , Blessed , Righteous , Ungodly , Salmos , Psalms