O Reino Milenar e o cumprimento das profecias do Antigo Testamento
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Machado, Ronaldo Lourenço
Lima, Leandro Antonio de
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O presente tema envolve grande discussão no meio evangélico. O problema gira em torno da interpretação do Reino Milenar descrito em Ap. 20.1-6 e seus desdobramentos, especialmente quanto ao cumprimento de profecias do Antigo Testamento. Entre as diversas respostas que são oferecidas à questão, serão abordadas neste trabalho mais diretamente o pré-milenismo dispensacionalista e o amilenismo. Após análise das duas posições, o autor propõe como correta a visão amilenista, demonstrando a inexistência de evidências bíblicas para considerar o Milênio como um período de literalmente mil anos, muito de menos de considerar o reino milenar um período reservado ao cumprimento de profecias do Antigo Testamento relacionadas exclusivamente à restauração de Israel. Entre as profecias do Antigo Testamento cumpridas durante o Milênio estão as vinculadas à ressurreição de Cristo.
The presente theme involves great discussion in the evangelical environment. The problem revolves around the interpretation of the Millennial Kingdom described in Rev. 20:1-6 and its ramifications, especially regarding the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies. Among the various answers that are offered to the question, dispensational premillennialism and amillennialism will be addressed in this work more directly. After analyzing both positions, the author proposes the amillennial view as correct, demonstrating the lack of biblical evidence to consider the Millennium as a period of literally a thousand years, much less considering the millennial kingdom a period reserved for the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies relating exclusively to the restoration of Israel. Among the Old Testament prophecies fulfilled during the Millennium are those relating to the resurrection of Christ.
The presente theme involves great discussion in the evangelical environment. The problem revolves around the interpretation of the Millennial Kingdom described in Rev. 20:1-6 and its ramifications, especially regarding the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies. Among the various answers that are offered to the question, dispensational premillennialism and amillennialism will be addressed in this work more directly. After analyzing both positions, the author proposes the amillennial view as correct, demonstrating the lack of biblical evidence to consider the Millennium as a period of literally a thousand years, much less considering the millennial kingdom a period reserved for the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies relating exclusively to the restoration of Israel. Among the Old Testament prophecies fulfilled during the Millennium are those relating to the resurrection of Christ.
reino milenar , amilenismo , profecias do antigo testamento , ressureição , millennial kingdom , amillennialism , Old Testament prophecies , resurrection