A personagem feminina em: O Remorso de Baltazar Serapião
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De Luca, Giovanna Pinheiro
Aguiar, Cristhiano Motta
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O presente trabalho analisa a figura feminina dentro do romance o remorso de baltazar serapiao, relacionando-o com a história do feminismo, compreendendo a desigualdade entre gêneros e o silencio feminino que perdurou durante séculos. Para isto, é preciso compreender a importância das personagens dentro de uma obra literária e como analisá-las. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é examinar a construção e a justificativa da violência contra as mulheres dentro do romance, analisando sob a perspectiva do narrador-personagem, considerando o posicionamento do narrador, em relação a violência gerada por ele contra as mulheres. Compreendendo o pensamento e as atitudes machistas demonstradas pelos personagens do romance.
This work analyzes the female figure within the novel o remorso de baltazar serapiao, relating it to the history of feminism, understanding the inequality between genders and the feminine silence that lasted for centuries. For this, it is necessary to understand the importance of characters within a literary work and how to analyze them. The main objective of this research is to examine the construction and justification of violence against women within the novel, analyzing it from the perspective of the narrator-character, considering the narrator's position in relation to the violence generated by him against women. Understanding the machismo thinking and attitudes shown by the characters in the novel.
This work analyzes the female figure within the novel o remorso de baltazar serapiao, relating it to the history of feminism, understanding the inequality between genders and the feminine silence that lasted for centuries. For this, it is necessary to understand the importance of characters within a literary work and how to analyze them. The main objective of this research is to examine the construction and justification of violence against women within the novel, analyzing it from the perspective of the narrator-character, considering the narrator's position in relation to the violence generated by him against women. Understanding the machismo thinking and attitudes shown by the characters in the novel.
desigualdade , gêneros , violência , mulheres , Valter Hugo Mãe , análise de personagens , gender inequality , violence , women , character analysis