Remição por inconstitucionalidade: uma opção às violações de direitos humanos no ambiente carcerário
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Rennar, Beatriz
Brito, Alexis Augusto Couto de
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O sistema carcerário brasileiro está falido e superlotado, contando com um déficit de mais de 300 mil vagas. De forma que ao ser condenado o indivíduo perde não somente a liberdade, como prevê a legislação, mas também a dignidade. A dignidade da pessoa humana é o princípio basilar que guia o Estado Democrático brasileiro, devendo ser protegida a todo o custo pelo Estado. Entretanto, não é essa a situação a que são submetidos os encarcerados no Brasil. Nesse sentido, diversas ações relacionadas ao sistema carcerário transitam perante o Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) buscando a atuação conjunta do Estado na promoção de medidas efetivas que tenham impacto positivo no ambiente prisional. O STF reconheceu, então, o direito a uma indenização pecuniária àqueles submetidos a condições inapropriadas nos presídios. Ocorre que, diante da situação nacional, a indenização se mostra como uma opção custosa e pouco efetiva quando se observa a manutenção das sistemáticas violações a direitos e garantias do preso. Assim, a remição por inconstitucionalidade se apresenta como uma proposta mais viável, bem como efetiva na promoção dos direitos humanos no ambiente carcerário.
The Brazilian prison system is broke and overcrowded, with a 300 thousand deficit when regarding vacancies, which means the condemned person loses not only their freedom as predicted by law, but also their dignity. Human dignity is the pillar principle that guides the Brazilian Democratic State and it must be protected by the State by every means necessary. However, that is not the reality to which imprisoned people are submitted in Brazil. In that sense, several actions regarding the prison system are moving in the Supreme Court seeking the joint action of the State in promoting effective measures that have a positive impact on the prison environment. STF recognized the right to a pecuniary compensation to those submitted to inappropriate imprisonment conditions. It occurs that, faced with the national situation, a compensation becomes an expensive and little effective option when observing the maintenance of the systematic violations of the prisoner rights and guarantees. Thus, the remission by unconstitutionality is presented as a more viable proposal, as well as effective in promoting human rights in the prison environment.
The Brazilian prison system is broke and overcrowded, with a 300 thousand deficit when regarding vacancies, which means the condemned person loses not only their freedom as predicted by law, but also their dignity. Human dignity is the pillar principle that guides the Brazilian Democratic State and it must be protected by the State by every means necessary. However, that is not the reality to which imprisoned people are submitted in Brazil. In that sense, several actions regarding the prison system are moving in the Supreme Court seeking the joint action of the State in promoting effective measures that have a positive impact on the prison environment. STF recognized the right to a pecuniary compensation to those submitted to inappropriate imprisonment conditions. It occurs that, faced with the national situation, a compensation becomes an expensive and little effective option when observing the maintenance of the systematic violations of the prisoner rights and guarantees. Thus, the remission by unconstitutionality is presented as a more viable proposal, as well as effective in promoting human rights in the prison environment.
sistema carcerário , direitos humanos , remição , prison system , human rights , remission