Detecção de fraude em aplicativos de e-commerce
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Guimarães, Mariana Araujo
Lopes, Fábio Silva
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Membros da banca
Devido ao crescimento tecnológico, as compras on-line se tornaram
essenciais na vida da população pois o que elas desejam é a praticidade e
comodidade na hora da compra. Com esse grande crescimento, os fraudadores
também se aproveitam da situação por meio das fraudes. A fraude em
aplicativos e e-commerce, pode ser detectada a partir de estudos e mecanismos
de aprendizado de máquina. Por esse motivo, o combate às fraudes é tão
necessária pois a tendência é de crescimento e os fraudadores, a cada dia que
passa encontram métodos de praticar e aprimorar suas ações a fim obter
benefícios financeiros. As empresas precisam adotar métodos de machine
learning para obterem previsões mais precisas e confiáveis para combaterem
ao ataques fraudulentos. Esse projeto possui como objetivo, entender os
diferentes tipos de fraude, como acontecem, seus riscos e como detectar uma
possível fraude através de tecnologias e métodos de machine learning.
Due to technological growth, online shopping has become essential in people's lives because what they want is convenience and convenience when shopping. With this great growth, fraudsters also take advantage of the situation through fraud. Fraud in applications and e-commerce can be detected from studies and machine learning mechanisms. For this reason, fighting fraud is so necessary as the trend is growing and fraudsters, with each passing day, find methods to practice and improve their actions in order to obtain financial benefits. Companies need to adopt machine learning methods to obtain more accurate and reliable predictions to combat fraudulent attacks. This project aims to understand the different types of fraud, how they happen, their risks and how to detect a possible fraud through machine learning technologies and methods.
Due to technological growth, online shopping has become essential in people's lives because what they want is convenience and convenience when shopping. With this great growth, fraudsters also take advantage of the situation through fraud. Fraud in applications and e-commerce can be detected from studies and machine learning mechanisms. For this reason, fighting fraud is so necessary as the trend is growing and fraudsters, with each passing day, find methods to practice and improve their actions in order to obtain financial benefits. Companies need to adopt machine learning methods to obtain more accurate and reliable predictions to combat fraudulent attacks. This project aims to understand the different types of fraud, how they happen, their risks and how to detect a possible fraud through machine learning technologies and methods.
fraudes , aplicativos , e-commerce , aprendizado de máquina , fraud , applications , e-commerce , machine learning