Tutela do direito contratual e fashion law acerca das criações de moda
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Oliveira, Jacqueline Mourched Paneque
Soares, Renata Domingues Balbino Munhoz
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O presente artigo tem o objetivo de explorar as especificidades do Direito
Contratual no âmbito da moda, desde os principais aspectos de tutela como a Propriedade
Intelectual, o Direito Autoral e a Propriedade Industrial, até os tipos fundamentais de
contratos aplicáveis neste contexto. Diante disso, foi utilizado como método a pesquisa
bibliográfica, que possibilitou maior entendimento sobre fashion law, um tema atual e com
muito conteúdo a ser explorado. Entender como o direito da moda agrupa determinadas
modalidades de contratos é essencial para que os agentes econômicos possam proteger suas
criações, auferir lucro a partir delas e realizar negócios, essencialmente no que diz respeito à
indústria da moda, que movimenta o mercado a nível mundial.
This article aims to explore the specificities of Contractual Law in the fashion field, from the main aspects of protection such as Intellectual Property, Copyright and Industrial Property, to the fundamental types of contracts applicable in this context. In view of this, the method used was bibliographic research, which enabled a greater understanding of fashion law, a current theme with much content to be explored. Understanding how fashion law groups certain types of contracts is essential for economic agents to be able to protect their creations, earn profit from them and do business, essentially with regard to the fashion industry, which moves the market worldwide.
This article aims to explore the specificities of Contractual Law in the fashion field, from the main aspects of protection such as Intellectual Property, Copyright and Industrial Property, to the fundamental types of contracts applicable in this context. In view of this, the method used was bibliographic research, which enabled a greater understanding of fashion law, a current theme with much content to be explored. Understanding how fashion law groups certain types of contracts is essential for economic agents to be able to protect their creations, earn profit from them and do business, essentially with regard to the fashion industry, which moves the market worldwide.
fashion law , contratos , propriedade intelectual , contracts , intellectual property