O combate à escravidão contemporânea e a consequente pirataria na cadeia produtiva da indústria da moda
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Cas, Júlia Nascimento Da
Soares, Renata Domingues Balbino Munhoz
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Diante do reconhecimento global da relação existente entre o Direito e a Moda surgiu o Fashion Law, termo que possui ligação com diversas áreas do Direito, principalmente com a Propriedade Intelectual, e que suscita diversas questões relevantes a serem debatidas. Vale ressaltar que, diante do fast fashion e da celeridade em seu padrão de produção e consumo, ocorre muitas vezes o alimento de uma cadeia incomensurável de crimes que vai desde a analogia ao trabalho escravo até a pirataria. Desta maneira, embora os preços baixos das peças, e muito abaixo do mercado, sejam grandes atrativos ao estímulo consumista, deve-se desconfiar que por trás de preços e ofertas atraentes pode haver um severo desrespeito ao cumprimento dos direitos humanos dos trabalhadores e a sua submissão a condições sub-humanas de emprego, análogas à escravidão. Ainda, o fomento a essa cadeia deturpada de produção também estimula a confecção desenfreada de cópias, isso porque o produto pirata não precisa atender qualquer exigência sanitária, técnica ou de qualidade ao ser comercializado. Com isto, somada à crescente realidade da violação de normas e desrespeito aos direitos na cadeia produtiva da indústria da moda, surgem as tentativas de erradicação do trabalho análogo ao escravo e da pirataria no setor por meio de diversas ações, que podem ser de ordem fiscalizatória, preventiva e até mesmo repressiva, objetivando o combate das más práticas no setor.
In view of the global recognition of the relationship between Law and Fashion, Fashion Law emerged, a term that is linked to several areas of Law, mainly with Intellectual Property, and which brings several relevant issues to be debated. It is worth mentioning that, in the face of fast fashion, and the speed in its pattern of production and consumption, there is often the food of an immeasurable chain of crimes, ranging from analogy to slave labor to piracy. In this way, although the low prices of the pieces, and well below the market, are great attractions to the consumerist stimulus, it must be suspected that disrespect to the fulfillment of the workers' human rights and placing them in subhuman and analogous conditions occurs slavery, and consequently, the stimulation of copies, this is because, the pirated product does not need to meet the sanitary, technical, and quality requirements, when it is commercialized. With this, and the growing reality of the violation of norms and disrespect for rights in the productive chain of the fashion industry, there are attempts to eradicate slave-like work and piracy in the sector in question, through various actions, which can be enforcement, repressive and even preventive, aiming to combat the problem.
In view of the global recognition of the relationship between Law and Fashion, Fashion Law emerged, a term that is linked to several areas of Law, mainly with Intellectual Property, and which brings several relevant issues to be debated. It is worth mentioning that, in the face of fast fashion, and the speed in its pattern of production and consumption, there is often the food of an immeasurable chain of crimes, ranging from analogy to slave labor to piracy. In this way, although the low prices of the pieces, and well below the market, are great attractions to the consumerist stimulus, it must be suspected that disrespect to the fulfillment of the workers' human rights and placing them in subhuman and analogous conditions occurs slavery, and consequently, the stimulation of copies, this is because, the pirated product does not need to meet the sanitary, technical, and quality requirements, when it is commercialized. With this, and the growing reality of the violation of norms and disrespect for rights in the productive chain of the fashion industry, there are attempts to eradicate slave-like work and piracy in the sector in question, through various actions, which can be enforcement, repressive and even preventive, aiming to combat the problem.
Trabalho indicado ao Prêmio TCC
trabalho análogo ao escravo , pirataria , labor analogous to slavery , piracy , fashion law