Guarda compartilhada como instrumento de combate à alienação parental
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Nunes, Carolina Xande
Scalquette, Ana Cláudia Silva
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O presente estudo busca analisar se a guarda compartilhada pode servir como instrumento de combate à alienação parental. Diante das rupturas nas relações conjugais, sentimentos de rancor e vingança, que criam situações de animosidade entre o casal, podem evoluir para a prática de atos de alienação parental. Tais atos, praticados pelo genitor alienador, tem o intuito destruir o vínculo conjugal entre o menor e o genitor alienado. Considerando isso, o presente estudo demonstrou que a fixação de guarda compartilhada pode reduzir ou até inibir a prática de alienação parental, tendo em vista que esse modelo é caracterizado pelo equilíbrio do convívio entre os genitores e os filhos e pela responsabilidade solidária entre os cônjuges na tomada de decisões sobre os menores.
The present study aims to analyse if the joint custody can serve as an instrument to combat parental alienation. Following a break-up, bitterness and revenge are feelings that might arise and lead to hostility between the couple, which might evolve to the execution of parental alienation acts. These acts, performed by the alienator, intend to destroy the relationship between the child and the alienated parent. Considering this, the present study demonstrated that the establishment of joint custody can reduce or even inhibit the practice of parental alienation, considering that this model is characterized by the balance of coexistence between the parents and the children and by the joint responsibility between the parents for making decisions.
The present study aims to analyse if the joint custody can serve as an instrument to combat parental alienation. Following a break-up, bitterness and revenge are feelings that might arise and lead to hostility between the couple, which might evolve to the execution of parental alienation acts. These acts, performed by the alienator, intend to destroy the relationship between the child and the alienated parent. Considering this, the present study demonstrated that the establishment of joint custody can reduce or even inhibit the practice of parental alienation, considering that this model is characterized by the balance of coexistence between the parents and the children and by the joint responsibility between the parents for making decisions.
alienação parental , combate , guarda compartilhada , parental alienation , combat , joint custody