Esfera pública, fake news e neoliberalismo: uma análise sobre o surgimento de notícias fraudulentas a partir da corrosão da esfera pública pelo neoliberalismo com um paralelo sobre o Ministério da Verdade de 1984
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Silva, Bruno Cesar Tavares da
Moreira, Adilson José
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Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal traçar uma relação entre o romance 1984, de George
Orwell, em especial, o Ministério da Verdade, com o desenvolvimento de um fenômeno
contemporâneo, a fabricação e disseminação de mentiras, notícias fraudulentas ou, ainda, como
popularizado, as fake news, cuja constituição e proliferação se tornou possível através da
corrosão da esfera pública pelo neoliberalismo. Para tanto, pretende-se compreender como a
gênesis das notícias fraudulentas (fake news) funciona sob o viés político e filosófico, bem
como compreender os aspectos sobre a ideologia neoliberal que corroboram para processo de
corrosão da esfera pública e que constituem a política como o um campo do conflito e não mais
da ética, conforme inicialmente pensada pelos gregos. Também se pretende discutir como noção
de notícias fraudulentas (fake news) passou a ser importante para definir a democracia e em que
momento o conceito de notícias fraudulentas (fake news) passa a ser importante para o contexto
político, para possibilitar a discussão proposta, analisaremos casos práticos, tal como as eleições
estadunidenses de 2016, o referendo sobre a saída do Reino Unido da União Europeia e, por
fim, as eleições presidencialistas brasileiras de 2018, cuja disseminação de notícias fraudulentas
ocorreu de forma massiva e similar em todos os casos.
This article aims at tracing a relation between the novel 1984, by George Orwell, in particular, the Ministry of Truth, with the development of a contemporary phenomenon, the fabrication and dissemination of lies, or, as popularized, fake news, whose constitution and proliferation became possible through the corrosion of the public sphere by neoliberalism. To this end, we intend to understand how the genesis of fake news works under the political and philosophical bias, as well as understand the aspects about neoliberal ideology that supports the process of corrosion of the public sphere and constitutes politics as a field of conflict and no longer of ethics, as initially conceived by the Greeks. It is also intended to discuss how the notion of fake news became important to define democracy and in which moment the concept of fake news starts to play an important role in the political context, to enable the proposed discussion, we will analyze some case law, such as the 2016 US elections, the referendum on Brexit, the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union and, finally, the 2018 Brazilian presidential elections, whose dissemination of fake news occurred in a massive and similar way in all cases.
This article aims at tracing a relation between the novel 1984, by George Orwell, in particular, the Ministry of Truth, with the development of a contemporary phenomenon, the fabrication and dissemination of lies, or, as popularized, fake news, whose constitution and proliferation became possible through the corrosion of the public sphere by neoliberalism. To this end, we intend to understand how the genesis of fake news works under the political and philosophical bias, as well as understand the aspects about neoliberal ideology that supports the process of corrosion of the public sphere and constitutes politics as a field of conflict and no longer of ethics, as initially conceived by the Greeks. It is also intended to discuss how the notion of fake news became important to define democracy and in which moment the concept of fake news starts to play an important role in the political context, to enable the proposed discussion, we will analyze some case law, such as the 2016 US elections, the referendum on Brexit, the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union and, finally, the 2018 Brazilian presidential elections, whose dissemination of fake news occurred in a massive and similar way in all cases.
esfera pública , democracia , neoliberalismo , fake news , 1984 , public sphere , democracy , neoliberalism , fake news