Descoberta de relações entre flares estelares e exoplanetas por aprendizado de máquina
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Bastos, Daiane Cristina de Souza
Valio, Adriana Benetti Marques
Basile, Antonio Luiz
Basile, Antonio Luiz
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Flares estelares são fenômenos muito energéticos quando a estrela libera grandes quantidades
de energia na forma de radiação durante alguns segundos. Para auxiliar na geração de hipóteses de
relações entre flares estelares e formação de grandes exoplanetas, este artigo propõe uma pipeline de
análise de dados com esquemas de Aprendizado de Máquina para descobrir estas relações. Para
exemplificar a pipeline, foi implementada uma análise de 163 eventos do tipo flare em estrelas da missão
TESS e foram geradas hipóteses de relação estrela-exoplaneta a partir dos resultados desta análise.
Stellar flares are very energetic phenomena when the star releases large amounts of energy in the form of radiation for a few seconds. To support generating hypotheses of relationships between stellar flares and formation of large exoplanets, this article proposes a data analysis pipeline with Machine Learning schemes to discover these relationships. In order to exemplify the pipeline, an analysis of 163 flare-type events in stars of the TESS mission was implemented and hypotheses of star-exoplanet relationship were generated from the results of this analysis
Stellar flares are very energetic phenomena when the star releases large amounts of energy in the form of radiation for a few seconds. To support generating hypotheses of relationships between stellar flares and formation of large exoplanets, this article proposes a data analysis pipeline with Machine Learning schemes to discover these relationships. In order to exemplify the pipeline, an analysis of 163 flare-type events in stars of the TESS mission was implemented and hypotheses of star-exoplanet relationship were generated from the results of this analysis
flares estelares , relações estrela-exoplanetas , exoplanetas , física estelar , aprendizado de máquina , stellar flares , star-exoplanet relationships , exoplanets , stellar physics , machine learning