Responsabilidade civil dos médicos em cirurgias plásticas
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Silva, Daiana Pereira da
Wagner Junior, Luiz Guilherme da Costa
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O seguinte trabalho tem como objetivo a luz do direito discorrer sobre a responsabilidade civil, sem esgotar com foco na responsabilidade civil do médico decorrente em erros cometidos em cirurgias plásticas de cunho estético e cirurgias reparadoras. Em suma o trabalho distingue ambas as modalidades da cirurgia plástica, evidenciando qual posição doutrinaria e jurisprudencial é adotada para cada um dos procedimentos, sendo a cirurgia reparadora considerada uma atividade de meio e a cirurgia plástica estética entendida como uma atividade de resultado. A metodologia utilizada na presente monografia foi a compilação de doutrinas e jurisprudências que versam sobre o tema, didaticamente dividido em três capítulos, o primeiro versando sobre a responsabilidade civil, o segundo sobre a responsabilidade civil do médico destacando a diferenciação das obrigações do profissional sendo essas de meio ou de resultado bem como erro do profissional decorrente de imprudência negligencia ou imperícia e o terceiro capitulo aborda a responsabilidade civil do erro médico em cirurgias plásticas, bem como os danos provenientes desse erro e as possíveis excludentes de responsabilidade.
This paper has as an objective study the civil liability, under Brazilian law, focusing in the doctor‘s civil liability arising from errors committed during plastics surgery – aesthetics and reconstructive surgery. All in all, this paper intends to distinguish both forms of plastic surgery, highlighting the courts and law practitioners‘ position is adopted for each one of the procedures, being the reconstructive surgery considered a ‗mean activity‘ and the aesthetics surgery considered a ‗result activity‘. The methodology used in this monography was the compilation of doctrines and courts sentences which regards the subject, divided in three chapters. First one, regarding civil liability, the second one regarding the type of activity (means or results), alongside with the concept of error and omissions arising from the medical activity, and the third chapter approaches the civil liability of the doctor in plastics surgery, as well as the damages caused by such errors and the possible hypothesis of liability exclusion.
This paper has as an objective study the civil liability, under Brazilian law, focusing in the doctor‘s civil liability arising from errors committed during plastics surgery – aesthetics and reconstructive surgery. All in all, this paper intends to distinguish both forms of plastic surgery, highlighting the courts and law practitioners‘ position is adopted for each one of the procedures, being the reconstructive surgery considered a ‗mean activity‘ and the aesthetics surgery considered a ‗result activity‘. The methodology used in this monography was the compilation of doctrines and courts sentences which regards the subject, divided in three chapters. First one, regarding civil liability, the second one regarding the type of activity (means or results), alongside with the concept of error and omissions arising from the medical activity, and the third chapter approaches the civil liability of the doctor in plastics surgery, as well as the damages caused by such errors and the possible hypothesis of liability exclusion.
responsabilidade civil , erro médico , obrigação de meio ou resultado , cirurgia plástica , civil liability , medical malpractice , mean or result activity , plastic surgery