Caminho de casa: a convenção de Haia de 1980 sobre os aspectos civis do sequestro internacional de crianças e o princípio do melhor interesse da criança
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Vogl, Carolina
Lorencini, Bruno César
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A Convenção de Haia de 1980 sobre os Aspectos Civis do Sequestro Internacional de Crianças (CH1980) visa a proteção de crianças abduzidas pelos genitores e retiradas de sua residência habitual, na tentativa do retorno de forma rápida e eficaz. O objetivo central do trabalho é analisar o tema do sequestro internacional e a aplicação da Convenção de Haia pelo Estado Brasileiro, bem como o princípio do melhor interesse da criança como norte fundamental das decisões proferidas pelo judiciário. Busca-se assim, a análise de decisões proferidas pelo Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) nos últimos anos e a fundamentação utilizada, em comparativo com a aplicação correta da Convenção de Haia, tal como idealizada. Sob essa metodologia, possível verificar a reticência do Poder Judiciário em aplicar o princípio do melhor interesse da criança nas decisões que o exigem, assim como, uma forte presença cultural acerca do papel da mãe e do pai na criação dos filhos, tal qual a relevância extrema dada a manifestação de menores em situações de fragilidade.
The 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (HC1980) aims to protect children abducted by their parents and extracted from their habitual residence, attempting to return them quickly and effectively. The main objective of the study is to analyze the theme of international kidnapping and the application of the Hague Convention by Brazil, as well as the principle of the best interest of the child as a fundamental guide for the decisions made by the judiciary. Thus, the analysis of decisions rendered by the Brazilian Superior Justice Court in recent years and the reasoning used, in comparison with the correct application of the Hague Convention, as idealized, is sought. Under this methodology, it is possible to verify the reluctance of the Judiciary to apply the principle of the best interest of the child in the decisions that require it, as well as a strong cultural presence about the role of the mother and father in raising children and the extreme relevance that’s given to the manifestation of the minors in situations of fragility.
The 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (HC1980) aims to protect children abducted by their parents and extracted from their habitual residence, attempting to return them quickly and effectively. The main objective of the study is to analyze the theme of international kidnapping and the application of the Hague Convention by Brazil, as well as the principle of the best interest of the child as a fundamental guide for the decisions made by the judiciary. Thus, the analysis of decisions rendered by the Brazilian Superior Justice Court in recent years and the reasoning used, in comparison with the correct application of the Hague Convention, as idealized, is sought. Under this methodology, it is possible to verify the reluctance of the Judiciary to apply the principle of the best interest of the child in the decisions that require it, as well as a strong cultural presence about the role of the mother and father in raising children and the extreme relevance that’s given to the manifestation of the minors in situations of fragility.
convenção de haia , melhor interesse da criança , restituição , judiciário brasileiro , hague convention , child’s best interest , brazilian judiciary , restitution