A crise econômico-financeira no clube empresa
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Filipe, Camila de Oliveira
Vasconcelos, Ronaldo
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Membros da banca
O presente estudo aborda acerca da imprescindibilidade da modernização do pensamento
institucional de gestão dos dirigentes dos clubes do futebol brasileiro por meio da transformação
societária como medida essencial à superação da atual crise econômico-financeira sofrida pelas
associações desportivas, sendo necessária a análise e o equilíbrio dos projetos de lei em trâmite no Poder
Legislativo, a fim de obter um ordenamento pautado na organização, na transparência dos atos de gestão
e nas diretrizes da Governança e do Compliance, bem como criar um ambiente atrativo e propício à
instalação e progresso do mercado futebolístico como atividade lucrativa. Em continuidade, o presente
estudo retrata sobre os institutos ofertados pela Lei de Falência e Recuperação Judicial e a correta
aplicabilidade destes caso o clube-empresa passe por uma crise econômico-financeira para que, ao final,
reste preservada a atividade futebolística e combatida a má gestão daqueles que equivocadamente
administraram o clube.
This study addresses the need to modernization to the institutional thinking of the management of the directors of Brazilian's football clubs through company transformations as an essential measure to overcome the current economic and financial crisis suffered by sports associations, requiring the analysis and equilibrium of the draft bills in process in the Legislative Branch, aiming at obtaining a system of rules based on the organization, the transparency of management acts and the Governance and Compliance guidelines, in addition to creating an attractive and environment conducive to the installation and e progress of the football market as a lucrative activity. In continuity, the present study portrays the institutes offered by the Bankruptcy and Judicial Reorganization Law and the correct applicability of these if the club-enterprise goes through an economic-financial crisis so that, in the end, football activity is preserved and combated the mismanagement of those who mistakenly managed the club.
This study addresses the need to modernization to the institutional thinking of the management of the directors of Brazilian's football clubs through company transformations as an essential measure to overcome the current economic and financial crisis suffered by sports associations, requiring the analysis and equilibrium of the draft bills in process in the Legislative Branch, aiming at obtaining a system of rules based on the organization, the transparency of management acts and the Governance and Compliance guidelines, in addition to creating an attractive and environment conducive to the installation and e progress of the football market as a lucrative activity. In continuity, the present study portrays the institutes offered by the Bankruptcy and Judicial Reorganization Law and the correct applicability of these if the club-enterprise goes through an economic-financial crisis so that, in the end, football activity is preserved and combated the mismanagement of those who mistakenly managed the club.
clube-empresa , futebol brasileiro , direito desportivo , crise empresarial , club-enterprise , brazilian soccer , sports law , business crisis