A impossibilidade da conversão de prisão em flagrante em preventiva de ofício em um sistema acusatório
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Valdivia, Caio Peralva
Scalquette, Rodrigo Arnoni
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O presente trabalho tem como ponto de análise a nova redação do artigo 310 do Código de Processo Penal Brasileiro trazida pelo pacote anticrime (Lei 13.964/19), a qual gerou diversas discordâncias dentro da doutrina e da jurisprudência, pois aborda a possibilidade do juiz após receber os autos de prisão em flagrante, converter a prisão em flagrante para preventiva de ofício, sem necessidade de prévia provocação do Ministério Público ou autoridade policial. A questão envolve preceitos relevantes sobre os rumos processuais no Brasil no que tange ao sistema adotado, acusatório ou inquisitório, em relação a atuação do Magistrado na persecução penal. O litígio levantado por essa monografia envolve historicidade, definição e evolução de cada sistema tanto em escala global, quanto nacional, bem como aborda simbioticamente a essa discussão, o direito positivado e as intepretações sobre o que o legislador quis transmitir com as alterações da Lei 13.964/19 sobre medidas cautelares e prisões. Será abordado de maneira detalhada todos os aspectos envolvidos que possam interferir na celeuma, desde as concepções mais básicas de definição de prisões e a lei anticrime, até controvérsias sobre a limite de uma mitigação da forma processual e suas consequências. Ao final será abordado duas decisões conflitantes sobre o tema das duas cortes de maior instância do País, uma defendendo a possibilidade da conversão de flagrante para preventiva, oriunda do STJ com argumentação ímpar do Ministro Rogério Schietti Cruz; e a outra contrária a esse entendimento, do STF por meio de reflexões do ex-decano Ministro Celso de Mello.
The present work has as its point of analysis the new wording of article 310 of the Brazilian Criminal Procedure Code brought by the anti-crime package (Law 13.964 / 19), which generated several disagreements within the doctrine and jurisprudence, as it addresses the possibility of the judge after receive the arrest records in flagrante delicto, to convert the arrest in flagrante delicto for preventive of office, without need of previous provocation of the Public Ministry or police authority. The issue involves relevant precepts on the procedural course in Brazil with regard to the system adopted, accusatory or inquisitorial, in relation to the performance of the Magistrate in criminal prosecution. The litigation raised by this monograph involves historicity, definition and evolution of each system both on a global and national scale, as well as symbiotically addressing this discussion, the positive law and the interpretations of what the legislator wanted to convey with the amendments of Law 13,964 / 19 on precautionary measures and arrests. All aspects involved that may interfere in the stir will be discussed in detail, from the most basic conceptions of the definition of prisons and the anti-crime law, to controversies about the limit of a mitigation of the procedural form and its consequences. At the end, two conflicting decisions on the subject of the two highest courts in the country will be addressed, one defending the possibility of converting from flagrante delicto to preventive, originating from the STJ with unparalleled arguments by Minister Rogério Schietti Cruz; and the other contrary to this understanding, of the STF through reflections by ex-dean Minister Celso de Mello.
The present work has as its point of analysis the new wording of article 310 of the Brazilian Criminal Procedure Code brought by the anti-crime package (Law 13.964 / 19), which generated several disagreements within the doctrine and jurisprudence, as it addresses the possibility of the judge after receive the arrest records in flagrante delicto, to convert the arrest in flagrante delicto for preventive of office, without need of previous provocation of the Public Ministry or police authority. The issue involves relevant precepts on the procedural course in Brazil with regard to the system adopted, accusatory or inquisitorial, in relation to the performance of the Magistrate in criminal prosecution. The litigation raised by this monograph involves historicity, definition and evolution of each system both on a global and national scale, as well as symbiotically addressing this discussion, the positive law and the interpretations of what the legislator wanted to convey with the amendments of Law 13,964 / 19 on precautionary measures and arrests. All aspects involved that may interfere in the stir will be discussed in detail, from the most basic conceptions of the definition of prisons and the anti-crime law, to controversies about the limit of a mitigation of the procedural form and its consequences. At the end, two conflicting decisions on the subject of the two highest courts in the country will be addressed, one defending the possibility of converting from flagrante delicto to preventive, originating from the STJ with unparalleled arguments by Minister Rogério Schietti Cruz; and the other contrary to this understanding, of the STF through reflections by ex-dean Minister Celso de Mello.
sistema acusatório , processo penal , pacote anticrime , artigo 310 , accusatory system , criminal procedure , anti-crime package , article 310