Usucapião do direito real de laje
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Rodrigues, Albert Silva
Almeida, Maria Cecília Ladeira de
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A propriedade é o mais completo dos direitos subjetivos, a matriz dos direitos reais. Os poderes inerentes à propriedade são os de usar, gozar, dispor e reaver de quem detenha a coisa injustamente. São muitas as formas da aquisição da propriedade e uma delas se destaca pela sua peculiaridade, trata-se da usucapião, forma de aquisição da propriedade que decorre da posse e do comportamento do possuidor. Existem diversas modalidades de usucapião e todas possuem como requisitos a posse qualificada ad usucapionem, tempo determinado e, em alguns casos, outros requisitos como o justo título, observância de limite de metragem do imóvel que se pretende adquirir, dentre outros. Entretanto, ao estudarmos os direitos reais, observamos que, não obstante a propriedade ser o mais notável, outros direitos reais decorrem do exercício de alguns dos poderes a ela inerentes. São conhecidos pela doutrina como direitos reais limitados dentre os quais podemos destacar o usufruto, a servidão, a superfície e o direito real de laje. Muitos destes direitos reais limitados podem ser objeto de usucapião, conforme observado na jurisprudência, doutrina e até mesmo em dispositivos legais. O direito real de laje surgiu em 2017 por meio da Lei nº 13.465/17 e se trata do direito de construir sobre outro imóvel, ou no subsolo deste, e garante, dentre outras coisas, a autonomia da unidade imobiliária construída. A doutrina, assim como a jurisprudência, admite a possibilidade de se usucapir o direito real de laje.
Ownership is the most complete of subjective rights and the matrix of real rights. The powers inherent in ownership are those of using, enjoying, disposing of and recovering whoever holds the thing unfairly. There are many ways to acquire property and one of them stands out for its peculiarity, it is the adverse possession, form of property acquisition that results from the possession and behavior of the owner. There are several types of adverse possession and all of them have as requirements the qualified possession ad usucapionem, determined time and, in some cases, other requirements such as the fair title, observance of the length limit of the property to be acquired, among others. However, when studying real rights, we observe that, although the property is the most notable, other real rights result from the exercise of some of its inherent powers. They are known by the doctrine as limited real rights among which we can highlight the usufruct, the easement, the surface and the real slab right. Many of these limited rights may be subjected to adverse possession, as noted in jurisprudence, doctrine and even legal provisions. The real slab right came into being in 2017 through Law nº 13.465/17 and it concerns the right to build on another building, or in its basement, and guarantees, among other things, the autonomy of the built real estate unit. The doctrine, as well as the jurisprudence, admits the possibility of adverse possession of the real slab right.
Ownership is the most complete of subjective rights and the matrix of real rights. The powers inherent in ownership are those of using, enjoying, disposing of and recovering whoever holds the thing unfairly. There are many ways to acquire property and one of them stands out for its peculiarity, it is the adverse possession, form of property acquisition that results from the possession and behavior of the owner. There are several types of adverse possession and all of them have as requirements the qualified possession ad usucapionem, determined time and, in some cases, other requirements such as the fair title, observance of the length limit of the property to be acquired, among others. However, when studying real rights, we observe that, although the property is the most notable, other real rights result from the exercise of some of its inherent powers. They are known by the doctrine as limited real rights among which we can highlight the usufruct, the easement, the surface and the real slab right. Many of these limited rights may be subjected to adverse possession, as noted in jurisprudence, doctrine and even legal provisions. The real slab right came into being in 2017 through Law nº 13.465/17 and it concerns the right to build on another building, or in its basement, and guarantees, among other things, the autonomy of the built real estate unit. The doctrine, as well as the jurisprudence, admits the possibility of adverse possession of the real slab right.
usucapião , direito de laje , propriedade , direitos reais , adverse possession , slab right , property , real rights