As dificuldades e desafio das mulheres no jornalismo esportivo
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Casolari, Giovani Moura
Thomaz, Daniel de
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Esse trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar, em um programa de rádio, um debate sobre o atual momento vivido pelas mulheres no jornalismo esportivo e apontar caminhos para uma sociedade menos machista e mais democrática. Com a opinião e a participação de mulheres que levantam a bandeira de igualdade de gênero e abordam o tema ao seu modo. O público poderá tirar suas conclusões sobre o momento dessas e de outras mulheres no meio jornalístico.
This work aims to present, in a radio program, a debate about the current moment experienced by women in sports journalism and to point the way to a less sexist and more democratic society. With the opinion and participation of women who raise the banner of gender equality and approach the theme in their own way. The public can draw their conclusions about the moment of these and other women in the news media.
This work aims to present, in a radio program, a debate about the current moment experienced by women in sports journalism and to point the way to a less sexist and more democratic society. With the opinion and participation of women who raise the banner of gender equality and approach the theme in their own way. The public can draw their conclusions about the moment of these and other women in the news media.
Acesso online:
mulheres , rádio , jornalismo , machismo , women , radio , journalism , male chauvinism