Competência para celebrar acordo de leniência no âmbito do poder executivo federal e o caso da SBM offshore
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Todesco, Vittoria Renier D'Avila
Pires, Antônio Cecílio Moreira
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O presente trabalho se volta à análise da competência para celebrar acordos de
leniência no âmbito do Poder Executivo federal, instituto introduzido pela Lei
Anticorrupção (Lei nº 12.846/2013) no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. São abordadas
questões relativas as competências atribuídas pela LAC à Controladoria-Geral da
União, à Advocacia Geral da União, ao Tribunal de Contas da União e ao Ministério
Público Federal. Além disso, são abordadas questões referentes aos acordos de
leniência celebrados pelo MPF no âmbito da Operação Lava Jato, bem como questões
referentes ao Pacote de Medidas Anticrime (“Pacote Anticrime”) no tocante a
possibilidade de realização de acordos no âmbito da Lei de Improbidade
Administrativa. Para exemplificar o objeto de estudo deste trabalho, são analisados os
acordos de leniência referentes ao caso da SBM Offshore. O caso da SBM
exemplificará os assuntos abordados nos temas anteriores e explanará às
consequências advindas da celebração do acordo de leniência com diferentes órgãos.
As conclusões obtidas apontam no sentido de se entender que o acordo de leniência
é um instrumento de prevenção de ilícitos e que, acertadamente a LAC atribuiu à CGU
competência exclusiva para celebrá-lo no âmbito do Poder Executivo federal ante a
ausência de adequada articulação entre órgãos de Estado. No entanto, esta
monografia possui o objetivo de apontar a essencialidade da cooperação
interinstitucional no combate a corrupção, sugerir algumas alterações pontuais na Lei
Anticorrupção e, ainda demonstrar a necessidade da alteração trazida pelo Pacote
Anticrime referente a possibilidade de realização de acordos no âmbito da Lei de
Improbidade Administrativa.
This study is intended to analyze the competence to celebrate leniency agreement within the scope of the federal Executive Power, introduced in the Brazilian legal order by the Law No 12,846/2013 - Anticorruption Law (or LAC). Will be addressed issues related to the competence attributed by LAC to the Office of the Comptroller General, to the General Union Advocacy, to the Federal Audit Court, and to the Federal Public Ministry and, a comparison will be made between the competences attributed to each organ by LAC. In addition, issues related to the agreements signed with legal entities by MPF under Lava Jato Operation, and Antricrime Measures Package without changing the Administrative Improbity Law Agreements are addressed. To exemplify the object of study of this work, leniency agreements regarding the case of SBM Offshore are analyzed. The case of SBM, will exemplify the issues addressed in the previous topics and explain the consequences of celebrating the leniency agreement with different bodies of the State. The conclusions obtained point to the understanding that the leniency agreement is an instrument for preventing illicit acts and that LAC rightly gave to CGU, exclusively, the power to sign leniency agreements in face of absence of adequate coordination between State bodies. This monograph has the objective of pointing out the essentiality of interinstitutional cooperation in the fight against corruption, suggesting some specific changes in the Anti-Corruption Law and also demonstrating the need for the change brought by the Anticorruption Package regarding the possibility of agreements under the Administrative Improbity Law.
This study is intended to analyze the competence to celebrate leniency agreement within the scope of the federal Executive Power, introduced in the Brazilian legal order by the Law No 12,846/2013 - Anticorruption Law (or LAC). Will be addressed issues related to the competence attributed by LAC to the Office of the Comptroller General, to the General Union Advocacy, to the Federal Audit Court, and to the Federal Public Ministry and, a comparison will be made between the competences attributed to each organ by LAC. In addition, issues related to the agreements signed with legal entities by MPF under Lava Jato Operation, and Antricrime Measures Package without changing the Administrative Improbity Law Agreements are addressed. To exemplify the object of study of this work, leniency agreements regarding the case of SBM Offshore are analyzed. The case of SBM, will exemplify the issues addressed in the previous topics and explain the consequences of celebrating the leniency agreement with different bodies of the State. The conclusions obtained point to the understanding that the leniency agreement is an instrument for preventing illicit acts and that LAC rightly gave to CGU, exclusively, the power to sign leniency agreements in face of absence of adequate coordination between State bodies. This monograph has the objective of pointing out the essentiality of interinstitutional cooperation in the fight against corruption, suggesting some specific changes in the Anti-Corruption Law and also demonstrating the need for the change brought by the Anticorruption Package regarding the possibility of agreements under the Administrative Improbity Law.
acordo de leniência , competência , SBM offshore , leniency agreement , competence