Sustentabilidade na indústria da moda: análise da regulamentação da cadeia produtiva e de fornecimento pelo direito
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Masson, Vitória Carvalho
Soares, Renata Domingues Balbino Munhoz
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O presente artigo dedicou-se a analisar a utilização das normas e fundamentos do Direito, em especial do Fashion Law, para a regulamentação da cadeia produtiva e de fornecimento da Indústria da Moda, a fim de garantir sua produção e consumo mais sustentáveis. Nesse sentido, o estudo problematiza os desafios que este ramo econômico enfrenta para se tornar sustentável social, ambiental e economicamente, em vista da terceirização e suas consequentes assimetrias informacionais a respeito dos meios de fornecimento e produção. Para isso, a pesquisa se baseou em dados concretos e na legislação vigente. Por fim, busca expor a necessidade de se utilizar ferramentas voltadas à resolução destes desafios, como o controle interno da produção por compliance e blockchain, o controle externo pelo Poder Público, por meio de um Estado mais social, das iniciativas privadas e, também, de um consumo mais consciente.
This paper is dedicated to an analysis of the rules and foundations of Law, especially Fashion Law, to regulate the production and supply chain of the Fashion Industry, in order to guarantee a more sustainable production and consumption. In this sense, the study problematizes the challenges that this economic branch faces to become sustainable socially, environmentally and economically, in view of the outsourcing and its consequent informational asymmetries regarding the means of supply and production. For this, this research was based on factual data and the current legislation. Finally, it seeks to expose the needs to use tools aimed at solving these challenges, such as internal control of production by compliance and blockchain, external control by the Government, through a more welfare state, private initiatives, and also more conscious consumption.
This paper is dedicated to an analysis of the rules and foundations of Law, especially Fashion Law, to regulate the production and supply chain of the Fashion Industry, in order to guarantee a more sustainable production and consumption. In this sense, the study problematizes the challenges that this economic branch faces to become sustainable socially, environmentally and economically, in view of the outsourcing and its consequent informational asymmetries regarding the means of supply and production. For this, this research was based on factual data and the current legislation. Finally, it seeks to expose the needs to use tools aimed at solving these challenges, such as internal control of production by compliance and blockchain, external control by the Government, through a more welfare state, private initiatives, and also more conscious consumption.
Trabalho indicado pela banca examinadora para o Prêmio TCC
fashion law , indústria da moda , sustentabilidade , rastreamento da cadeia produtiva e de fornecimento , fashion industry , sustainability , tracking the production and supply chain