Continuidade delitiva: interpretação das consequências na dosimetria da pena a partir da legislação nacional e da jurisprudência do Superior Tribunal de Justiça
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Lima, Vinícius Nascimento
Medeiros, Thamara Duarte Cunha
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A ficção jurídica da continuidade delitiva aparece em nosso ordenamento jurídico em razão de política criminal. O instituto é controvertido e cenário de enriquecedores debates doutrinários e jurisprudenciais, sobretudo acerca dos requisitos e consequências jurídicas. A partir das discussões que exploram o assunto, visitamos o desenvolvimento da teoria do crime continuado e os desdobramentos em nosso ordenamento jurídico à luz dos princípios do direito penal e fundamentos do direito constitucional, com o propósito de sistematizar a atual aplicação, nos moldes da jurisprudência dos tribunais superiores, e verificar a compatibilidade com o texto constitucional, tratados internacionais, função do direito penal e função da pena.
The legal fiction of delitive continuity appears in our legal system by reason of criminal policy. The institute is controversial and scenario of enriching doctrinal and jurisprudential debates, especially about the legal requirements and consequences. From the discussions that explore the subject, we visit the expasion of the theory of continued crime and its consequences in our legal system considering the principles of criminal law and the foundations of constitutional law, with the purpose of systematizing its current application along the lines of the jurisprudence of the higher courts and to verify the compatibility with the constitutional text, international treaties, function of criminal law and function of the punishment.
The legal fiction of delitive continuity appears in our legal system by reason of criminal policy. The institute is controversial and scenario of enriching doctrinal and jurisprudential debates, especially about the legal requirements and consequences. From the discussions that explore the subject, we visit the expasion of the theory of continued crime and its consequences in our legal system considering the principles of criminal law and the foundations of constitutional law, with the purpose of systematizing its current application along the lines of the jurisprudence of the higher courts and to verify the compatibility with the constitutional text, international treaties, function of criminal law and function of the punishment.
crime continuado , política criminal , legislação , jurisprudência , continuing crime , criminal policy , legislation , jurisprudence