Narrativas jurídicas, narrativas culturais e narrativas raciais: uma análise da obra "RAGTIME"
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Mafulde, Yasmine Nathalie
Moreira, Adilson José
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O direito é tradicionalmente entendido como um instrumento de manutenção da ordem e da paz social, fazendo uso de bases epistemológicas e metodologias supostamente racionais e neutras. No entanto, depois da segunda metade do século XX, autores da teoria crítica do direito começaram a por em dúvida a tradição formalista e, para tal, utilizaram-se do diálogo interdisciplinar com outras áreas do conhecimento como a teoria literária e o cinema. Adotou-se a ideia de que o direito é também narrativa, com a finalidade de se dissolver o indivíduo universal e neutro: o homem branco heterossexual. A partir do diálogo entre direito, teoria literária e cinema, o presente trabalho pretende estudar as confluências entre as narrativas jurídicas e as narrativas culturais no âmbito da questão racial. Desta maneira, busca-se identificar as continuidades e descontinuidades das narrativas raciais existentes tanto no direito como no cinema e outras formas de entretenimento, começando pelas ideias racistas essencialistas presentes em toda a primeira metade do século XX, até chegar na ideia de colorblindness, que foi muito utilizada após o movimento dos direitos civis na década de 1960. Para tanto, analisaremos o filme Ragtime de 1981, baseado no livro do autor E. L. Doctorow de 1975. Também será analisada a adaptação da mesma obra para o teatro musical, feita em 1998.
Law is traditionally understood as a instrument to maintenance of the social order and peace, using an epistemological basis and methods supposedly rational and neutral. However, after the second half of the 20th century, authors of the critical theory of law began to question the foundationalist tradition and, therefore, used the interdicisplinary dialogue with other areas of knowledge such as literary theory and cinema. They adopted the idea that law is also narrative, for the purpose of dissolving the universal and neutral individual: the white heterosexual man. Through the dialogue between law, literary theory and cinema, this paper intends to study the confluencies between legal narratives and cultural narratives on the matter of the racial debate. This way, we search for identifying the continuities and descontinuities of the racial narratives that exist both in law, cinema and other forms of entertainment, beginning with the racist essencialist ideas present trhough all the first half of the 20th century, and ending with the colorblindness idea, very utilized after the civil rights movement on the sixties decade. For such, we will analize the film called Ragtime of 1981, which is based on E. L. Doctorow’s novel of 1975. It will also be analized the musical theatre adaptation of the same novel done in 1998.
Law is traditionally understood as a instrument to maintenance of the social order and peace, using an epistemological basis and methods supposedly rational and neutral. However, after the second half of the 20th century, authors of the critical theory of law began to question the foundationalist tradition and, therefore, used the interdicisplinary dialogue with other areas of knowledge such as literary theory and cinema. They adopted the idea that law is also narrative, for the purpose of dissolving the universal and neutral individual: the white heterosexual man. Through the dialogue between law, literary theory and cinema, this paper intends to study the confluencies between legal narratives and cultural narratives on the matter of the racial debate. This way, we search for identifying the continuities and descontinuities of the racial narratives that exist both in law, cinema and other forms of entertainment, beginning with the racist essencialist ideas present trhough all the first half of the 20th century, and ending with the colorblindness idea, very utilized after the civil rights movement on the sixties decade. For such, we will analize the film called Ragtime of 1981, which is based on E. L. Doctorow’s novel of 1975. It will also be analized the musical theatre adaptation of the same novel done in 1998.
direito , narrativa , cinema , racismo , colorblindness , ragtime , law , narrative , racism