Quem tem medo do BOT? – personas da relação advogado e inteligência artificial
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Apuzzo, Sofia Tadeu
Moreira, Diogo Rais Rodrigues
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Que a Inteligência Artificial inseriu a sociedade em um novo paradigma, aparentemente sem retorno, é um sentimento generalizado. As mais diversas áreas do conhecimento, além da própria Tecnologia da Informação, criam intersecções com a Inteligência Artificial, possibilitando o desenvolvimento de ferramentas que alavancam o trabalho realizado, e, especialmente na indústria jurídica, está rapidamente se destacando em termos de uso. Também, as conquistas obtidas com o apoio de sistema de Inteligência Artificial (IA) provocam curiosidade e, ao mesmo tempo, geram certo desconforto. O receio da possibilidade de a IA substituir o trabalho do homem (o que normalmente é dito como “roubar empregos”) e, no caso do Direito, a necessidade de novas habilidades, envolvendo o conhecimento em programação, aumenta tanto o medo quanto a excitação pelo novo. Esse artigo explora filosoficamente a relação de confiança entre advogados e sistemas de inteligência artificial, tanto a esperança em benefícios trazidos pela I.A quanto a crença de que tais sistemas não sejam legítimos na prática jurídica, com intuito de compreender como sistemas de I.A podem ser melhores desenvolvidos para o público jurídico, possibilitando o uso das conclusões para práticas de design thinking. Ainda, debate-se a diferença entre confiar e saber e pretende-se compreender o porquê do entendimento sobre o funcionamento das tecnologias é necessário para o progresso.
Artificial Intelligence has inserted society into a new paradigm, apparently without return, and it is a widespread feeling. The most diverse areas of knowledge, besides Information Technology itself, create intersections with Artificial Intelligence, enabling the development of tools that leverage the work done, and, especially in the legal industry, it is rapidly becoming more prominent in terms of use. Also, the achievements obtained with the support of Artificial Intelligence (AI) system provoke curiosity and, at the same time, generate some discomfort. Fear of the possibility of AI replacing man's work (what is commonly called "stealing jobs") and, in the case of law, the need for new skills, involving knowledge in programming, increases both fear and excitement about the new. This article philosophically explores the relationship of trust between lawyers and artificial intelligence systems, both the hope in benefits brought by AI and the belief that such systems are not legitimate in legal practice, in order to understand how AI systems can be better developed for the legal public, enabling the use of findings for design thinking practices. Furthermore, the difference between trust and knowledge is debated and it is intended to understand why understanding about the functioning of technologies is necessary for progress.
Artificial Intelligence has inserted society into a new paradigm, apparently without return, and it is a widespread feeling. The most diverse areas of knowledge, besides Information Technology itself, create intersections with Artificial Intelligence, enabling the development of tools that leverage the work done, and, especially in the legal industry, it is rapidly becoming more prominent in terms of use. Also, the achievements obtained with the support of Artificial Intelligence (AI) system provoke curiosity and, at the same time, generate some discomfort. Fear of the possibility of AI replacing man's work (what is commonly called "stealing jobs") and, in the case of law, the need for new skills, involving knowledge in programming, increases both fear and excitement about the new. This article philosophically explores the relationship of trust between lawyers and artificial intelligence systems, both the hope in benefits brought by AI and the belief that such systems are not legitimate in legal practice, in order to understand how AI systems can be better developed for the legal public, enabling the use of findings for design thinking practices. Furthermore, the difference between trust and knowledge is debated and it is intended to understand why understanding about the functioning of technologies is necessary for progress.
inteligência artificial , advogados , luhmann , legaltech , confiança , artificial intelligence , lawyers , luhmann , legaltech , trust