A mulher e o tráfico de drogas: uma análise sobre a lei de drogas e seu efeito segregacionista sobre as mulheres
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Pereira, Luísa Trucolo
Knippel, Edson Luz
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O presente trabalho tem como finalidade realizar uma análise referente às mulheres privadas de liberdade no Brasil especialmente pelo crime tráfico de drogas, o qual aprisiona principalmente mulheres negras, jovens e com baixa escolaridade. Além disso, o estudo se baseia na evolução das leis antidrogas no Brasil e verifica o impacto da Lei 11.343/06 para com estas mulheres, tal que, embora o diploma diferencie o usuário do traficante de drogas, observamos que, na prática, há uma seletividade penal que escolhe quem será punido, já que o dispositivo em seu art. 28, que prevê a modalidade de uso de entorpecentes, apresenta critérios extremamente subjetivos para a sua aplicação, o que demonstra a sua ineficácia. Sendo assim, no trabalho será estudada a dificuldade dos operadores do direito em distinguir o traficante do usuário de drogas, verifi-cando o perfil das mulheres encarceradas a partir dos relatórios Infopen 2016 e Infopen Mulhe-res 2018 e, por fim, o analisando a partir das teorias da interseccionalidade e da multidimensi-onalidade, demonstrando a segregação destas mulheres na sociedade.
The present academic work seeks to perform an analysis related to brazilian women who had hindered freedom caused by drug traffic, which jail, mainly, black, young and unschooled women. Besides that, the work is based on the evolution of the Anti-Drugs Act in Brazil and comprise the impact that 11.343/06 Act caused to these women, because, even though the act differentiate the drug user from the drug dealer, it is clear that, actually, there is some kind of criminal selectivity that choose who will be efective punished, in view of the 28 article from Anti-Drugs Act, which predicts the genre of narcotics using, presenting extremely subjective standards for it aplication, which shows ineffectiveness. This way, it is analysed the law’s agents difficulties in distinguish who is the drug dealer, considering the “Infopen 2016” e “In-fopen Mulheres 2018” reports. Ultimately, it is performed the study from intersectionality and multidimensionality theories, evidencing the segregation of these women on society.
The present academic work seeks to perform an analysis related to brazilian women who had hindered freedom caused by drug traffic, which jail, mainly, black, young and unschooled women. Besides that, the work is based on the evolution of the Anti-Drugs Act in Brazil and comprise the impact that 11.343/06 Act caused to these women, because, even though the act differentiate the drug user from the drug dealer, it is clear that, actually, there is some kind of criminal selectivity that choose who will be efective punished, in view of the 28 article from Anti-Drugs Act, which predicts the genre of narcotics using, presenting extremely subjective standards for it aplication, which shows ineffectiveness. This way, it is analysed the law’s agents difficulties in distinguish who is the drug dealer, considering the “Infopen 2016” e “In-fopen Mulheres 2018” reports. Ultimately, it is performed the study from intersectionality and multidimensionality theories, evidencing the segregation of these women on society.
drugs , women , prison , intersectionality , multimensionality , drogas , mulheres , cárcere , interseccionalidade , multidimensionalidade