O combate às organizações criminosas no Brasil
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Sini, Nina Schmidt Nogueira Mendes
Zanella, Everton Luiz
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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo mostrar como a postura do Estado brasileiro no
combate ao crime organizado tem sido ineficiente e como essa modalidade criminosa se
comporta em nossos país. Para tanto, a legislação pátria sobre o tema foi analisada, desde
a primeira norma que trouxe o termo “Organização Criminosa” até as mudanças legais
mais recentes e relevantes. Também buscou-se mostrar as formas em que se manifestam
essas organizações e traçar o panorama histórico sobre sua atuação no Brasil, bem como
explicitar o cenário atual, fazendo ponderações sobre o sistema carcerário, desafios
enfrentados na efetivação deste combate e algumas perspectivas para o futuro.
This paper aims to show how the Brazilian State’s stance in combating organized crime has been ineficiente and how this criminal modality behaves in our country To manage that the national legislation on the subject was analyzed, from the first law that brought the term “Criminal Organization” to the most recente and relevant legal changes. It also sought to demonstrate the ways in which these organizations manifest themselves and to outline the historial scenario of their perfoemance in Brazil, as well as explaining the current context, making considerations about the prison system, challenges faced in carrying out this fight and some perspectives for the future.
This paper aims to show how the Brazilian State’s stance in combating organized crime has been ineficiente and how this criminal modality behaves in our country To manage that the national legislation on the subject was analyzed, from the first law that brought the term “Criminal Organization” to the most recente and relevant legal changes. It also sought to demonstrate the ways in which these organizations manifest themselves and to outline the historial scenario of their perfoemance in Brazil, as well as explaining the current context, making considerations about the prison system, challenges faced in carrying out this fight and some perspectives for the future.
organizações criminosas , crime organizado , estado brasileiro , sistema carcerário , criminal organizations , organized crime , brazilian state , prison system