O direito de ir e vir em contraposição com o acesso controlado em loteamentos fechados
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Brancaglione, Pietra Carmona Portugal
Scavone Junior, Luiz Antônio
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Trata-se de levantamento e análise do desenvolvimento da habitação nos últimos anos
e a sua relação com a identificação do homem perante o seu espaço. Nesse sentido, a partir da
regularização do acesso controlado sob loteamentos fechados, nos termos da Lei Federal nº
6.766/79, decidiu-se por se aproveitar de tal instrumento para o estudo, uma vez que o Brasil
vive vários cenários de violência. Entretanto, verificou-se o estabelecimento de impactos no
direito constitucional de ir e vir, visto que atinge a sociedade não inserida e não contribuinte
para os loteamentos com limites de transitividade locais. Portanto, é percebido que, de qualquer
forma, uma parcela da sociedade sempre será atingida de maneira não satisfatória e isso ocorre
porque o município não assegura o cumprimento das suas funções, como o estudo e aplicação
do sistema viário, além da segurança pública.
It is a survey and analysis of housing development in recent years and its relationship with the identification of man in his space. In this sense, from the regularization of controlled access under closed subdivisions, under the terms of Federal Law nº. 6.766 / 79, it was decided to take advantage of this instrument for the study, since Brazil is experiencing several scenarios of violence. However, there was an establishment of impacts on the constitutional right to come and go, as it affects society that is not inserted and does not contribute to subdivisions with local transitivity limits. Therefore, it is perceived that, in any case, a portion of society will always be reached in an unsatisfactory way and this is because the municipality does not guarantee the fulfillment of its functions, such as the study and application of the road system, in addition to public safety.
It is a survey and analysis of housing development in recent years and its relationship with the identification of man in his space. In this sense, from the regularization of controlled access under closed subdivisions, under the terms of Federal Law nº. 6.766 / 79, it was decided to take advantage of this instrument for the study, since Brazil is experiencing several scenarios of violence. However, there was an establishment of impacts on the constitutional right to come and go, as it affects society that is not inserted and does not contribute to subdivisions with local transitivity limits. Therefore, it is perceived that, in any case, a portion of society will always be reached in an unsatisfactory way and this is because the municipality does not guarantee the fulfillment of its functions, such as the study and application of the road system, in addition to public safety.
habitação , parcelamento , loteamento , acesso controlado , housing , subdivision , controlled Access , municipality