Interceptação telefônica: quais são os parâmetros estabelecidos para se determinar a indispensabilidade da interceptação telefônica nas investigações?
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Salles, Rafaela Crescione de Almeida
Bechara, Fábio Ramazzini
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Esta monografia realizou uma breve análise acerca do papel das provas ao longo da história mundial e brasileira, e especialmente como o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro evoluiu através de suas constituições no tocante à garantias e direitos individuais. Ademais, visou abordar a aplicação dos princípios constitucionais que regem o processo penal e, especialmente, a produção de provas. Explanou também eventuais violações contra os direitos fundamentais visando a obtenção de provas para o processo penal, e a incidência dos referidos princípios para dirimir tal conflito. Por fim, o presente estudo buscou analisar o uso da interceptação telefônica como meio probatório válido e seus requisitos para que direitos fundamentais não sejam exposto excessivamente. Foi observado que a interceptação telefônica constitui meio de prova extremamente útil e, por muitas vezes, único para o combate dos crimes organizados. Contudo, quando não utilizada da maneira correta e com moderação, este medida pode apresentar-se como uma afronta aos direitos e garantias constitucionais, direitos estes arduamente conquistados ao longo da história. Logo, para a concessão da interceptação telefônica devem ser observados requisitos indispensáveis previstos na Lei nº 9.296 de 1996.
This monograph conduct a brief analysis of the role of evidence throughout world and Brazilian history, and especially how the Brazilian legal system has evolved through its constitutions regarding guarantees and individual rights. In addition, it aimed to address the application of the constitutional principles that rule criminal proceedings and, especially, the production of evidence. It also explained possible violations against fundamental rights due to obtaining evidence for criminal proceedings, and the incidence of these basic principles to solve the conflict. Finally, the present study sought to analyze the use of telephone interception as a valid means of proof and its requirements so that fundamental rights are not excessively exposed. It was observed that telephone interception are an extremely useful and, often, unique means of proof for combating organized crimes. However, when it is not used correctly and in moderation, this measure can present itself as an affront to constitutional rights and guarantees, rights that have been hard-won throughout history. Therefore, for the concession of telephone interception, the indispensable requirements of Law No. 9,296 of 1996 must be observed.
This monograph conduct a brief analysis of the role of evidence throughout world and Brazilian history, and especially how the Brazilian legal system has evolved through its constitutions regarding guarantees and individual rights. In addition, it aimed to address the application of the constitutional principles that rule criminal proceedings and, especially, the production of evidence. It also explained possible violations against fundamental rights due to obtaining evidence for criminal proceedings, and the incidence of these basic principles to solve the conflict. Finally, the present study sought to analyze the use of telephone interception as a valid means of proof and its requirements so that fundamental rights are not excessively exposed. It was observed that telephone interception are an extremely useful and, often, unique means of proof for combating organized crimes. However, when it is not used correctly and in moderation, this measure can present itself as an affront to constitutional rights and guarantees, rights that have been hard-won throughout history. Therefore, for the concession of telephone interception, the indispensable requirements of Law No. 9,296 of 1996 must be observed.
princípios , provas , provas ilícitas , interceptação telefônica , principles , evidence , illicit evidence , telephone interception