O princípio do contraditório e da ampla defesa no inquérito policial e a investigação criminal defensiva
Santos, Rebecca Rocha
Cury, Rogério Luis Adolfo
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No campo da investigação criminal, os direitos do indiciado são usualmente relativizados, a
paridade de armas entre a acusação e a defesa dificilmente é observada e o defensor possuí
escassos, senão ilusórios, recursos defensivos. Diante deste cenário, e à luz dos preceitos e
valores emanados pela Constituição Federal Brasileira de 1988, pelo diploma processual penal
e pelo Provimento nº 188/2018 da Ordem de Advogados do Brasil (OAB), pretendeu-se, através
do presente trabalho, questionar o monopólio investigativo nas mãos da autoridade policial, as
opressões sofridas pelo defendido no curso de toda a persecução penal preliminar e analisar
criticamente os limites e impasses postos à atividade defensiva na seara investigativa criminal.
A partir desta pesquisa, que foi desenvolvida por meio da análise dos instrumentos normativos
que regulamentam o assunto e dos entendimentos jurisprudenciais e doutrinários pátrios,
conclui-se que a investigação criminal defensiva depende de aprofundamento e restruturação
do arcabouço jurídico-institucional e da democratização dos meios investigativos. No mesmo
sentido, é necessário o aparelhamento técnico da Defensoria Pública dos Estados e da União e
da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil, estrutural e financeiramente, de modo que sejam
concedidos ao defensor instrumentos normativos pelos quais poderá, licitamente, contribuir
para a atividade probatória e exercer os direitos ao contraditório e à ampla defesa.
In the criminal investigation context, defendant’s rights are often relativized, the equality of treatment between the prosecution and the accused is rarely observed and defendants frequently are confronted with limited access to, in many instances, inadequate resources. Based on this scenario, and as provided in the Brazilian Constitution, the criminal procedural Law and Ruling no. 188/2018 issued by the Brazilian Bar Association, the current study questions the investigative monopoly maintained by police authorities and the oppressions commonly suffered by defendants during preliminary investigations. Furthermore, the study provides a critical analysis of the obstacles imposed to the defense throughout the criminal investigation process. This study, which is based on the analysis of the normative instruments that regulate the subject in question and its national jurisprudential framework, concludes that defensive criminal investigations require a deepening legislative restructuring. Additionally, the study highlights the need to implement profound technical developments in the public defense system, both from a structural and a financial perspective, in order to grant defendants the access to appropriate and suitable normative instruments that, in turn, will ensure an adequate probative activity and full constitutional rights to contradictory and legal defense.
In the criminal investigation context, defendant’s rights are often relativized, the equality of treatment between the prosecution and the accused is rarely observed and defendants frequently are confronted with limited access to, in many instances, inadequate resources. Based on this scenario, and as provided in the Brazilian Constitution, the criminal procedural Law and Ruling no. 188/2018 issued by the Brazilian Bar Association, the current study questions the investigative monopoly maintained by police authorities and the oppressions commonly suffered by defendants during preliminary investigations. Furthermore, the study provides a critical analysis of the obstacles imposed to the defense throughout the criminal investigation process. This study, which is based on the analysis of the normative instruments that regulate the subject in question and its national jurisprudential framework, concludes that defensive criminal investigations require a deepening legislative restructuring. Additionally, the study highlights the need to implement profound technical developments in the public defense system, both from a structural and a financial perspective, in order to grant defendants the access to appropriate and suitable normative instruments that, in turn, will ensure an adequate probative activity and full constitutional rights to contradictory and legal defense.
persecução penal preliminar , inquérito policial , investigação criminal defensiva , preliminary investigation , police investigation , defensive criminal investigation