A propriedade intelectual no fashion law: os limites entre a cópia e a inspiração
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Campi, Letícia Carolina
Soares, Renata Domingues Balbino Munhoz
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O presente trabalho busca analisar e discutir o direito da moda sob a perspectiva dos direitos de
propriedade intelectual, em especial os institutos do direito autoral, desenho industrial e marcas,
analisando as possibilidades de aplicação, com base no entendimento jurisprudenciais e
doutrinários. Ademais, apresenta os limites entre o plágio inspiração, bem como os problemas
decorrentes das dificuldades de legislação e algumas soluções encontradas pelo mercado da
moda, considerando casos práticos e publicações especializadas sobre o tema. Por fim, o
trabalho debate os paradoxos da moda, que surgem com os posicionamentos favoráveis e
contrários para o aumento dos mecanismos de proteção para as criações da moda. Através do
método indutivo, utilizando como embasamento teórico bibliografia especializada e julgados
sobre o tema, concluí-se pela conjugação de ambos os posicionamentos, que poderia possibilitar
a aplicação mais efetiva dos mecanismos de proteção da propriedade intelectual já existentes.
The present study seeks to analyze and discuss the fashion law from the perspective of intellectual property rights, especially the institutes of copyright law, industrial design and trademarks, analyzing the possibilities of application, based on jurisprudential and doctrinal understanding. In addition, it presents the limits between plagiarism and inspiration, as well as the problems arising from the difficulties of legislation and some solutions found by the fashion market, considering practical cases and specialized publications on the subject. Finally, the paper discusses the paradoxes of fashion, which arise with favorable and opposite positions for the increase of protection mechanisms for fashion creations. Through the inductive method, using as a theoretical basis specialized bibliography and judged cases on the theme, it is concluded by the combination of both positions, which could enable the most effective application of the existing intellectual property protection mechanisms.
The present study seeks to analyze and discuss the fashion law from the perspective of intellectual property rights, especially the institutes of copyright law, industrial design and trademarks, analyzing the possibilities of application, based on jurisprudential and doctrinal understanding. In addition, it presents the limits between plagiarism and inspiration, as well as the problems arising from the difficulties of legislation and some solutions found by the fashion market, considering practical cases and specialized publications on the subject. Finally, the paper discusses the paradoxes of fashion, which arise with favorable and opposite positions for the increase of protection mechanisms for fashion creations. Through the inductive method, using as a theoretical basis specialized bibliography and judged cases on the theme, it is concluded by the combination of both positions, which could enable the most effective application of the existing intellectual property protection mechanisms.
Trabalho indicado ao Prêmio TCC 2020.
direito da moda , propriedade intelectual , plágio , inspiração , fashion law , intellectual property , plagiarism , inspiration