Quantificação do dano moral, sua aplicação e os impactos aos trabalhadores
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Dotta, Raquel Nishihara
Soares, Paulo Ferreira
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O trabalho em comento tem por objetivo o estudo acerca da tarifação do dano moral e sua aplicação na Justiça do Trabalho com o advento da Lei nº 13.467/2017 – a chamada “Reforma Trabalhista”.
Dentre as alterações que referida lei preconiza, houve alteração profunda sobre a aplicação do dano moral, o qual foi estudado e analisado, como forma de mensurar os impactos sociais e jurídicos refletidos aos trabalhadores.
Analisou-se o histórico do instituto do dano moral no âmbito do Direito do Trabalho e os parâmetros a serem observados para se medir a extensão do dano, além dos critérios para a aplicação da tarifação.
Foi objeto do presente trabalho também a Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade – ADI 5780, em trâmite perante o Supremo Tribunal Federal, a qual discute eventual inconstitucionalidade do tabelamento do dano moral e sua aplicabilidade nas ações decorrentes de relação do trabalho com a alteração implementada pela Lei 13.467/2017, sob pena de afronta aos artigos 5º, V ao X; e 7º, XXVIII, da Constituição Federal.
Para a fechamento do presente estudo, estudou-se os tipos mais recorrentes de dano moral no âmbito do Direito do Trabalho, a responsabilidade civil e os posicionamentos doutrinários e jurisprudenciais, a fim de examinar a aplicação do dano moral a partir da imposição de limites para sua quantificação em pecúnia.
A conclusão obtida possui fundamentação em todos os argumentos jurídicos trazidos nas pesquisas bibliográficas, em especial às análises fundamentadas na doutrina e na jurisprudência dos Tribunais.
The present article dealt with the outcomes of the common charging system for moral damage compensation and its applicability to the Labor Justice, as a consequence of the approval of the law nº 13.467/2017 – the so-called “Labor Reform”. Among the many amendments advocated by the law, the present article analyzed the enforcement of moral damage, as a way to measure the social and legal impacts to workers. The study investigated the history of moral damage in the field of Labor Law and the parameters to measure the extent of the damage, as well as the criteria for the application of the common charging system. This article also explored the Unconstitutionality Action - ADI 5780 (judicial review), in progress in Federal Supreme Court, which evaluates whether the common charging system for moral damage, and its applicability on actions arising from labor with the amendments implemented by Law 13.467 / 2017, contradicts or violates articles 5º, V until X; and 7º, XXVIII, of the Federal Constitution. Finally, the paper assessed the most common types of moral damages in Labor Law, civil liability and doctrinal and jurisprudential positions in order to examine the application of moral damage compensations, based on the imposition of limits to its quantification in prior sentences. The conclusion of the article was based on the legal arguments explored in the bibliographic research, especially the analysis substantiated on the doctrine and jurisprudence of the Courts.
The present article dealt with the outcomes of the common charging system for moral damage compensation and its applicability to the Labor Justice, as a consequence of the approval of the law nº 13.467/2017 – the so-called “Labor Reform”. Among the many amendments advocated by the law, the present article analyzed the enforcement of moral damage, as a way to measure the social and legal impacts to workers. The study investigated the history of moral damage in the field of Labor Law and the parameters to measure the extent of the damage, as well as the criteria for the application of the common charging system. This article also explored the Unconstitutionality Action - ADI 5780 (judicial review), in progress in Federal Supreme Court, which evaluates whether the common charging system for moral damage, and its applicability on actions arising from labor with the amendments implemented by Law 13.467 / 2017, contradicts or violates articles 5º, V until X; and 7º, XXVIII, of the Federal Constitution. Finally, the paper assessed the most common types of moral damages in Labor Law, civil liability and doctrinal and jurisprudential positions in order to examine the application of moral damage compensations, based on the imposition of limits to its quantification in prior sentences. The conclusion of the article was based on the legal arguments explored in the bibliographic research, especially the analysis substantiated on the doctrine and jurisprudence of the Courts.
non-material damage , civil liability , compensation for damage , moral harassment , dano extrapatrimonial , responsabilidade civil , direito à reparação do dano , assédio moral