A crise no sistema prisional
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Cubo, Leonardo Magoga
Moreira Filho, Guaracy
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A realidade do sistema prisional brasileiro é conhecida como uma das mais críticas
do mundo. Em que pese a enorme população e a extensão continental do país, a quantidade de
pessoas presas no Brasil muito mais tem a ver com mazelas históricas do que com qualquer
proporção territorial ou populacional. O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar
justamente a crise das prisões brasileiras sob a ótica destas mazelas, fazendo uma abordagem
em relação ao perfil dos encarcerados com vistas a identificar se este padrão em alguma coisa
se relaciona com os problemas históricos e culturais enfrentados no país. Ainda, abordar-se-á
o fenômeno do encarceramento em massa e da superlotação nos presídios, fazendo em
seguida uma conexão com a instituição da justiça restaurativa como alternativa ao processo
penal e, possivelmente, à pena de prisão. O estudo também faz referência à teoria francesa do
numerus clausus como interessante solução ao problema da superlotação presidiária; teoria
interessante que, se importada com cuidado e rigor, pode contribuir muito para mitigar a crise
do sistema prisional no Brasil. Por fim, o estudo se encerra com uma abordagem a respeito da
importância de políticas públicas que visem mais do que resolver crises ou problemas
aparentes, mas que se atenham às origens das mazelas sociais, posto ser este o único jeito de
estancar a reprodução desenfreada da criminalidade.
The reality of the Brazilian prison system is known as one of the most critical in the world. Despite the country's huge population and continental extent, the number of people imprisoned in Brazil has much more to do with historical problems than with any territorial or population proportion. The present work aims to analyze precisely the crisis of Brazilian prisons from the perspective of these problems, taking an approach in relation to the profile of prisoners in order to identify whether this pattern is in any way related to the historical and cultural problems faced in the country . In addition, the phenomenon of mass incarceration and overcrowding in prisons will be addressed, followed by a connection with the institution of restorative justice as an alternative to the criminal process and, possibly, the prison sentence. The study also makes reference to the French theory of numerus clausus as an interesting solution to the problem of prison overcrowding; interesting theory that, if carefully and rigorously imported, can contribute a lot to mitigate the crisis of the prison system in Brazil. Finally, the study ends with an approach regarding the importance of public policies that aim more than solving crises or apparent problems, but that stick to the origins of social problems, since this is the only way to stop the unbridled reproduction of crime.
The reality of the Brazilian prison system is known as one of the most critical in the world. Despite the country's huge population and continental extent, the number of people imprisoned in Brazil has much more to do with historical problems than with any territorial or population proportion. The present work aims to analyze precisely the crisis of Brazilian prisons from the perspective of these problems, taking an approach in relation to the profile of prisoners in order to identify whether this pattern is in any way related to the historical and cultural problems faced in the country . In addition, the phenomenon of mass incarceration and overcrowding in prisons will be addressed, followed by a connection with the institution of restorative justice as an alternative to the criminal process and, possibly, the prison sentence. The study also makes reference to the French theory of numerus clausus as an interesting solution to the problem of prison overcrowding; interesting theory that, if carefully and rigorously imported, can contribute a lot to mitigate the crisis of the prison system in Brazil. Finally, the study ends with an approach regarding the importance of public policies that aim more than solving crises or apparent problems, but that stick to the origins of social problems, since this is the only way to stop the unbridled reproduction of crime.
sistema prisional , justiça restaurativa , encarceramento , superlotação carcerária , prison system , restorative justice , incarceration , prison overcrowding