As vozes de ouro: a emoção atrás de um grito de gol
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Paganini, Bruno Ribeiro
Gurgel, Anderson
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O projeto realizado tem como objetivo mostrar de que forma as diferentes escolas de
narradores esportivos no rádio e as regionalidades presentes nas cidades de São
Paulo e Rio de Janeiro contribuem para a emoção nas transmissões esportivas no
rádio. Ao longo da história, as escolas de locutores foram surgindo e caracterizando
um determinado estilo de linguagem e narração em seus centros. Em São Paulo,
nomes como Pedro Luís e Osmar Santos revolucionaram o jeito de transmissão,
com uma rapidez e precisão marcante. No Rio de Janeiro, Waldir Amaral e Jorge
Curi culminaram o estilo mais cadenciado e pausado de narração. O objetivo
principal defendido neste projeto apresenta a forte relação que há entre as
regionalidades e escolas, ambas são dependentes, e juntas levam a formação da
emoção aos ouvintes. Toda esta pesquisa é discutida em um programa de podcast,
cujo apresenta entrevistas com narradores esportivos e teóricos. A metodologia
além destas interlocuções citadas, apresenta observações diretas e
acompanhamentos “in loco” nas transmissões
The objective of this project is to show how the different schools of sports commentators on the radio, as well as the regionalities idiosyncrasy in the cities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, contribute to the emotion on the radio sports broadcasts. Throughout history, several schools of broadcasters have been emerging and being characterized by different language and narrative styles in their centers. In São Paulo, names like Pedro Luís and Osmar Santos revolutionized the way of transmission, with remarkable speed and precision. In Rio de Janeiro, Waldir Amaral and Jorge Curi reached the more rhythmic and paused narrative style. The main objective of this project is to present the strong relationship between different regionalities and schools, which are dependent on each other, and that together bring emotion to listeners. This research is discussed in a podcast program, which features interviews with sports and theoretical journalist. The methodology, in addition to these interlocutions mentioned above, presents direct observations and monitoring "in loco" in the transmissions
The objective of this project is to show how the different schools of sports commentators on the radio, as well as the regionalities idiosyncrasy in the cities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, contribute to the emotion on the radio sports broadcasts. Throughout history, several schools of broadcasters have been emerging and being characterized by different language and narrative styles in their centers. In São Paulo, names like Pedro Luís and Osmar Santos revolutionized the way of transmission, with remarkable speed and precision. In Rio de Janeiro, Waldir Amaral and Jorge Curi reached the more rhythmic and paused narrative style. The main objective of this project is to present the strong relationship between different regionalities and schools, which are dependent on each other, and that together bring emotion to listeners. This research is discussed in a podcast program, which features interviews with sports and theoretical journalist. The methodology, in addition to these interlocutions mentioned above, presents direct observations and monitoring "in loco" in the transmissions
narradores esportivos , podcast esportivo , regionalidades no rádio esportivo , escolas de locutores esportivos , sports commentators , sports podcast , regionalities in sports radio , sports broadcasting schools