Solfieri Em Uma Noite Na Taverna: Projeto De Um E-Book Ilustrado
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Aroma, Ana Paula
Lajolo, Marisa Philbert
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O Romantismo foi um movimento construído por jovens tomados por sentimentos de tédio, melancolia e profunda desilusão, deixados pelo prévio racionalismo iluminista. Nesse movimento artístico, social e filosófico, autores do Brasil e do mundo produziram obras que encarnavam estes sentimentos de conflito e decadência e apresentavam ao público personagens egocêntricos, devassos e perversos, e que questionavam frequentemente a moral humana. A partir da análise desse movimento e de seu maior expoente brasileiro, Álvares de Azevedo, pretendemos reconhecer os aspectos típicos do movimento e do autor na obra Noite na Taverna, e mais especificamente, o conto de Solfieri, um dos personagens da obra. Usando essa análise, propomos então a criação de um e-book ilustrado que utilize uma adaptação própria, para apresentar o conto ao público jovem, o público-alvo escolhido para essa adaptação. Com o projeto desse e-book, temos como intuito a aproximação do jovem atual não só com a obra escolhida, mas também com a produção de Álvares de Azevedo, o Ultrarromantismo e suas temáticas mais comuns, que mesmo depois de séculos, ainda continuam fascinantes aos adolescentes de hoje.
Romanticism was a movement built by young people taken by feelings of boredom, melancholy, and deep disillusionment, left by the previous Enlightenment rationalism. In this artistic, social, and philosophical movement, authors from Brazil and the world produced works that embodied these feelings of conflict and decadence and presented the public with egocentric, debauched and perverse characters, who frequently questioned human morals. From the analysis of this movement and its greatest Brazilian exponent, Álvares de Azevedo, we intend to recognize the typical aspects of the movement and the author in the work Noite na Taverna, and more specifically, the short story by Solfieri, one of the characters in the work. Using this analysis, we then propose the creation of an illustrated e-book that uses its own adaptation, to present the tale to a young audience, the target audience chosen for this adaptation. With the project of this e-book, we aim to bring the current youth closer not only to the chosen work, but also to the production of Álvares de Azevedo, Ultra-romanticism and its most common themes, which even after centuries, are still fascinating to today's teenagers.
Romanticism was a movement built by young people taken by feelings of boredom, melancholy, and deep disillusionment, left by the previous Enlightenment rationalism. In this artistic, social, and philosophical movement, authors from Brazil and the world produced works that embodied these feelings of conflict and decadence and presented the public with egocentric, debauched and perverse characters, who frequently questioned human morals. From the analysis of this movement and its greatest Brazilian exponent, Álvares de Azevedo, we intend to recognize the typical aspects of the movement and the author in the work Noite na Taverna, and more specifically, the short story by Solfieri, one of the characters in the work. Using this analysis, we then propose the creation of an illustrated e-book that uses its own adaptation, to present the tale to a young audience, the target audience chosen for this adaptation. With the project of this e-book, we aim to bring the current youth closer not only to the chosen work, but also to the production of Álvares de Azevedo, Ultra-romanticism and its most common themes, which even after centuries, are still fascinating to today's teenagers.
Romantismo , Ultrarromantismo , Álvares de Azevedo , E-book , Romanticism , Ultra-romanticism