"Mulheres bonitas, homens ricos": uma análise da modernização do favorecimento à prostituição
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Rodrigues, Letícia Mascarenhas
Brito, Alexis Augusto Couto de
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O presente artigo visa analisar as atividades desempenhadas pelos crescentes sites de
relacionamento sugar à luz do Código Penal, em especial o Título VI, dos Crimes Contra à
Dignidade Sexual. Para tanto, foi feita uma análise de qual é o conceito de prostituição
atualmente, bem como do funcionamento dos sites que oferecem o relacionamento sugar. Além
disso, também foi objeto de estudo o crime de favorecimento à prostituição, previsto no art. 228
do Código Penal, sendo estudado os elementos do tipo, o bem jurídico tutelado, sujeitos do
crime, elementos subjetivos e, por fim, a consumação. Ademais, foi feita uma análise de como
o assunto está sendo debatido na sociedade, tanto no meio jurídico quanto no cotidiano das
pessoas. Por fim, chegou-se à conclusão de que o relacionamento sugar em muito se assemelha
à atividade de prostituição, motivo pelo qual, em uma análise objetiva, as atividades
desempenhadas pelos sites que oferecem esse tipo de serviço podem ser enquadradas como
condutas típicas do crime de favorecimento à prostituição.
The purpose of this article is to analyze the activities performed by the growing social networking sites in the light of the Penal Code, especially Title VI, of Crimes Against Sexual Dignity. To this end, an analysis was made of what the concept of prostitution today is, as well as the functioning of sites that offer the sugar relationship. In addition, the crime of favoring prostitution, provided for in art. 228 of the Penal Code, also was studied, being analysed the elements of the type, the protected legal property, subjects of the crime, subjective elements and, finally, the consummation. Moreover, an analysis was made of how the issue is being debated in society, both in the legal environment and in people's daily lives. Finally, it was concluded that the relationship is very close to prostitution, which is why, in an objective analysis, the activities performed by websites that offer this type of service can be framed as typical conducts of crime favoring prostitution.
The purpose of this article is to analyze the activities performed by the growing social networking sites in the light of the Penal Code, especially Title VI, of Crimes Against Sexual Dignity. To this end, an analysis was made of what the concept of prostitution today is, as well as the functioning of sites that offer the sugar relationship. In addition, the crime of favoring prostitution, provided for in art. 228 of the Penal Code, also was studied, being analysed the elements of the type, the protected legal property, subjects of the crime, subjective elements and, finally, the consummation. Moreover, an analysis was made of how the issue is being debated in society, both in the legal environment and in people's daily lives. Finally, it was concluded that the relationship is very close to prostitution, which is why, in an objective analysis, the activities performed by websites that offer this type of service can be framed as typical conducts of crime favoring prostitution.
criminal law , sugar relationship , prostitution , favoring the prostitution , direito penal , relacionamento sugar , prostituição , favorecimento à prostituição