A constelação familiar como técnica auxiliar à mediação para solução de conflitos judiciais
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Rocha, Laryssa Telles Oliveira
Jorgeti, Lourdes Regina
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O presente trabalho busca identificar em que medida a técnica da Constelação Familiar é eficaz como técnica auxiliar à Mediação e demonstrar a necessidade e a importância deste modelo como meio adequado de resolução de conflitos no âmbito do Poder Judiciário Brasileiro. Esse instituto é um método auxiliar que pode ser responsável por dirimir as demandas que ingressam no Judiciário, bem como proporcionar às partes litigantes solução mais rápida e branda, contribuindo para o aperfeiçoamento e o desenvolvimento da cultura de paz. Assim, o método das Constelações Familiares vem sendo aplicado pelos operadores do Direito e aparece com resultados bastante positivos na consecução de acordos. Por atuar, na maioria das vezes, na causa do problema, consegue resolvê-lo, proporcionando equilíbrio e harmonia para as partes até então, em conflito. O método de abordagem utilizado no trabalho foi o qualitativo, com realização de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental.
This Senior Thesis analyzes how the Family Constellation technique is effective as a technique to assist Mediation and, therefore, seeks to demonstrate the need and importance of this model as an appropriate means of conflict resolution within the Brazilian Judiciary. This institute is an auxiliary method that can be responsible for settling the demands that enter the Judiciary, as well as providing the litigating parties with a faster and more lenient solution, contributing to the improvement and development of the culture of peace. Thus, the Family Constellations method has been applied by the legal operators and appears with very positive results in reaching agreements. By acting mostly in the cause of the problem, it can solve it, providing balance and harmony for the parties in conflict. The approach method used in the thesis was the qualitative one, with bibliographic and documentary research.
This Senior Thesis analyzes how the Family Constellation technique is effective as a technique to assist Mediation and, therefore, seeks to demonstrate the need and importance of this model as an appropriate means of conflict resolution within the Brazilian Judiciary. This institute is an auxiliary method that can be responsible for settling the demands that enter the Judiciary, as well as providing the litigating parties with a faster and more lenient solution, contributing to the improvement and development of the culture of peace. Thus, the Family Constellations method has been applied by the legal operators and appears with very positive results in reaching agreements. By acting mostly in the cause of the problem, it can solve it, providing balance and harmony for the parties in conflict. The approach method used in the thesis was the qualitative one, with bibliographic and documentary research.
mediação , constelação familiar , bert hellinger , leis sistêmicas , mediation , family constellation , bert hellinger , systemic laws