Infiltração de agentes no combate ao crime organizado: meio idôneo e necessário à busca da verdade
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Iebra, Gabriela Flore Gabriela Flore
Zanella, Everton Luiz
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Esta dissertação tem como objetivo principal o estudo da infiltração policial como principal
meio de combate ao crime organizado bem como técnica especial de investigação criminal apta
a demonstração da verdade dos fatos ocorridos nos delitos relacionados à criminalidade
organizada, em especial no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Procura-se em primeiro demonstrar
o que é o crime organizado, analisando-se a evolução legislativa. Aborda-se, também, o tema
das provas, no consoante a diferenciação de meio de provas, fontes de prova e meios de
obtenção de provas (ou meios de investigação) no processo penal, com ênfase na sua definição
e classificação; para que se possa passar, então, ao estudo dos meios de investigação de prova
aplicados no combate ao crime organizado, dentre os quais se destaca a infiltração de agentes
policiais, como o mais apto à busca da verdade dos fatos. Em seguida, estuda-se a infiltração
de agentes em seus pormenores, ressaltando seus antecedentes históricos, sua conceituação e
objetivos, sua tipificação legal no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, as recomendações da
Convenção de Palermo acerca do tema, as modalidades de infiltração, os tipos de policiais
infiltrados, bem como às alterações legislativas trazidas pela lei n. 13.964/2019 (Pacote
Anticrime). Recebem atenção especial as questões da responsabilização penal do agente pelas
condutas praticadas na condição de infiltrado; da diferenciação entre o agente infiltrado e o
agente provocador; e da possibilidade de utilização da prova obtida pelo agente infiltrado como
base para a condenação. Ainda, aborda-se a problemática da oitiva do infiltrado como
testemunha (verdadeira testemunha anônima), e a necessidade de compatibilização deste meio
de investigação de provas com as garantias constitucionais, com base no princípio da
proporcionalidade. É feito, também, um breve estudo de direito comparado, com o objetivo de
demonstrar as soluções encontradas por legislações de diversos países – Estados Unidos da
América, Alemanha, Espanha, Portugal – Por fim, se faz um estudo da compatibilidade do meio
de obtenção de prova especial da infiltração de agentes como meio idôneo à proximidade da
busca da verdade dos fatos.
This dissertation paper has as main objective the study of undercover agent as the main means of combating organized crime as well as a special criminal investigation technique, capable of demonstrating the truth of the facts that occurred in crimes related to organized crime, especially in the Brazilian legal system. First, the aim is to demonstrate what organized crime is, through the analysis of legislative developments. This paper also presents a study of the evidencies matter regarding the differentiation of means of evidence, the sources of evidence and the means of obtaining evidence (or means of investigation) in criminal proceedings, with emphasis on its definition and classification, permiting the study of means of investigation of evidence applied in the fight against organized crime, among which stands out the undercover agent agents as the most apt to search for the truth of the facts. Then, a detailed study of undercover agent is held, highlighting their historical background, their conceptualization and objectives, their legal classification in the Brazilian legal system, the Palermo protocols recomendations on the matter, the undercover modalities, the types of undercover agent, as well as the legislative changes brought about by law no. 13.964 / 2019 (Anti-Crime Package). Special attention is given to matters of criminal liability of the police agent for conduct practiced as an undercover; on the differentiation between the undercover agent and the provoking agent, and the possibility of using the evidence obtained by the undercover agent as the basis for the criminal conviction. Also, the problem of hearing the undercover agent as a witness (true anonymous witness) is addressed, and the need of make this means of investigating evidence compatible with constitutional guarantees, based on the principle of proportionality. A short study of comparative law is also helded, with the aim of demonstrating the solutions found by the laws of several countries - United States of America, Germany, Spain, Portugal - on the matter. Finally, a study is made of the compatibility of the means of obtaining special evidence through the infiltration of police agents as a suitable means in the search for the truth of the facts.
This dissertation paper has as main objective the study of undercover agent as the main means of combating organized crime as well as a special criminal investigation technique, capable of demonstrating the truth of the facts that occurred in crimes related to organized crime, especially in the Brazilian legal system. First, the aim is to demonstrate what organized crime is, through the analysis of legislative developments. This paper also presents a study of the evidencies matter regarding the differentiation of means of evidence, the sources of evidence and the means of obtaining evidence (or means of investigation) in criminal proceedings, with emphasis on its definition and classification, permiting the study of means of investigation of evidence applied in the fight against organized crime, among which stands out the undercover agent agents as the most apt to search for the truth of the facts. Then, a detailed study of undercover agent is held, highlighting their historical background, their conceptualization and objectives, their legal classification in the Brazilian legal system, the Palermo protocols recomendations on the matter, the undercover modalities, the types of undercover agent, as well as the legislative changes brought about by law no. 13.964 / 2019 (Anti-Crime Package). Special attention is given to matters of criminal liability of the police agent for conduct practiced as an undercover; on the differentiation between the undercover agent and the provoking agent, and the possibility of using the evidence obtained by the undercover agent as the basis for the criminal conviction. Also, the problem of hearing the undercover agent as a witness (true anonymous witness) is addressed, and the need of make this means of investigating evidence compatible with constitutional guarantees, based on the principle of proportionality. A short study of comparative law is also helded, with the aim of demonstrating the solutions found by the laws of several countries - United States of America, Germany, Spain, Portugal - on the matter. Finally, a study is made of the compatibility of the means of obtaining special evidence through the infiltration of police agents as a suitable means in the search for the truth of the facts.
infiltração de agentes , busca da verdade , fonte de provas , crime organizado , undercover agent , search for truth , source of evidence , organized crime