Medidas preventivas e corretivas contra o envolvimento de factorings em esquemas fraudulentos de emissão e desconto de duplicatas
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Nunes, Millena Martins Pereira
Rovai, Armando Luiz
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Membros da banca
O presente texto tem por objetivo a apresentação de medidas preventivas e corretivas contra o envolvimento de factorings em esquemas fraudulentos de emissão e desconto de títulos, garantindo maior segurança jurídica para a celebração de seus negócios. Para tanto, será necessário introduzir o risco das atividades de factoring em razão da sua atuação no mercado como facilitadora de crédito às pequenas e médias empresas e alternativa aos empréstimos bancários, indicando a origem das factorings e o histórico de regulamentação das suas atividades no Brasil. A partir disto, será realizada análise dos contratos de fomento mercantil e desconto de títulos de crédito à luz dos artigos do Código Civil sobre cesssão de crédito e Lei de Duplicatas, através dos quais será possível a identificação dos métodos preventivos e corretivos contra o envolvimento das factorings em esquemas fraudulentos de emissão e desconto de títulos. Por fim, serão apresentadas as fintechs e as Empresas Simples de Crédito como novos modelos de negócio para a antecipação de recebíveis por factoring.
The purpose of this text is to present preventive and corrective measures against the involvement of factorings in fraudulent schemes for issuing and discounting securities, ensuring more legal certainty to do business. Therefore, it will be necessary to introduce the risk of factoring activities due to its performance in the market as a facilitator of credit to small and medium-sized companies and an alternative to bank loans, the origin of factorings and the history of the regulation of its activities in Brazil. Based on that, the analysis of the commercial development contracts and discount of securities will be carried out in the light of the articles of the Civil Code on credit assignment and the Trade Bills Law, through which it will be possible to identify the preventive and corrective methods against the involvement of factorings in fraudulent schems of issuance and discount of securities. Finally, fintechs and the Simple Credit Companies will be presented as new business models for the prepayment of receivables by factorings.
The purpose of this text is to present preventive and corrective measures against the involvement of factorings in fraudulent schemes for issuing and discounting securities, ensuring more legal certainty to do business. Therefore, it will be necessary to introduce the risk of factoring activities due to its performance in the market as a facilitator of credit to small and medium-sized companies and an alternative to bank loans, the origin of factorings and the history of the regulation of its activities in Brazil. Based on that, the analysis of the commercial development contracts and discount of securities will be carried out in the light of the articles of the Civil Code on credit assignment and the Trade Bills Law, through which it will be possible to identify the preventive and corrective methods against the involvement of factorings in fraudulent schems of issuance and discount of securities. Finally, fintechs and the Simple Credit Companies will be presented as new business models for the prepayment of receivables by factorings.
contrato de fomento mercantil , cessão de crédito , Código Civil , lei de duplicatas , factorings , commercial development contracts , credit assignment , Civil Code