Movimento #metoo: como o Brasil resolveria, à luz dos direitos humanos, a problemática do uso de acordos de confidencialidade em casos de assédio sexual no local de trabalho
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Gimenez, Ana Flávia Reis
Cardia, Ana Cláudia Ruy
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A presente monografia tem por objetivo evidenciar a importância das organizações
protetoras de Direitos Humanos diante da problemática trazida pelos Estados Unidos
no uso o acordo de confidencialidade como forma de silenciar vítimas de assédio
sexual, no ambiente de trabalho. Tendo em vista a ascensão global do movimento
#MeToo, além das mudanças realizadas no cenário legislativo americano por conta
desse movimento, verifica-se como foi solucionada a problemática no país norte americano sem o envolvimento de Tratados Internacionais que buscam erradicar esse
tipo de comportamento abusivo. A partir desta análise, e trazendo-a para observá-la
a partir da ótica das legislações brasileiras, bem como os Tratados internalizados pelo
Brasil, chegou-se à conclusão de como a problemática não pode ser totalmente
solucionada apenas regularizando o instrumento em questão, sendo necessário,
diante da ascensão da reivindicação dos direitos das mulheres e a desigualdade de
gênero, a participação dos direitos humanos, em especial no âmbito empresarial, para
reforçar o amparo a vítima dentro do local de trabalho, como também prevenir
reincidências dos casos de assédio sexual. A pesquisa a ser desenvolvida será de
natureza qualitativa, baseada em fontes primárias, como análise de legislações
vigentes no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos, e fontes secundárias, analisando artigos
acadêmicos e doutrinas que versam sobre o tema
The purpose of this paper is to highlight the importance of the human rights protection organizations in reference of the problem brought by the United States by using the non-disclosure agreement as a way of silencing the victims of sexual harassment in the workplace. Considering the global rise of the #MeToo movement, in addition to the changes made in the american legislative scenenario due to this movement, it can be seen how the the United States tried to solve the problem without the involvement of International Conventions that seek to eradicate this type of abusive behavior. Observing it from the brazilian legislation perspective, as well as the Conventions internalized by Brazil, it was concluded that the problem cannot be fully solved just by regularizing the instrument in question, In light of the rise on the demand for women's rights and gender inequality, the participation of human rights, especially in the business sphere, to reinforce the protection of victims within the workplace, as well as to prevent recurrence of sexual harassment cases. The research will be developed as a qualitative nature, based on primary sources, such as analysis of current legislation in Brazil and the United States, and secondary sources, analyzing academic articles and doctrines that deal with the theme
The purpose of this paper is to highlight the importance of the human rights protection organizations in reference of the problem brought by the United States by using the non-disclosure agreement as a way of silencing the victims of sexual harassment in the workplace. Considering the global rise of the #MeToo movement, in addition to the changes made in the american legislative scenenario due to this movement, it can be seen how the the United States tried to solve the problem without the involvement of International Conventions that seek to eradicate this type of abusive behavior. Observing it from the brazilian legislation perspective, as well as the Conventions internalized by Brazil, it was concluded that the problem cannot be fully solved just by regularizing the instrument in question, In light of the rise on the demand for women's rights and gender inequality, the participation of human rights, especially in the business sphere, to reinforce the protection of victims within the workplace, as well as to prevent recurrence of sexual harassment cases. The research will be developed as a qualitative nature, based on primary sources, such as analysis of current legislation in Brazil and the United States, and secondary sources, analyzing academic articles and doctrines that deal with the theme
assédio sexual , movimento #MeToo , acordo de confidencialidade , direitos humanos , sexual harassment , #MeToo movement , non-disclosure agreements , human rights