Parentalidade no registro civil: o impacto dos vínculos biológicos e afetivos
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Gonçalves, Amanda Padilha
Junqueira, Michelle Asato
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O presente trabalho, desde o início, visou encontrar no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro
regulamentação legal, para além da doutrina e jurisprudência, ao registro de nascimento de
crianças e adolescentes nascidas ou adotadas pelas diferentes instituições familiares
encontradas na atualidade, as quais vão muito além da tradicional família desenhada pela figura
de apenas um pai e uma mãe. Em princípio, entedia-se, hipoteticamente, que não havia maneiras
de realizar o registro de nascimentos de infantes nascidos e/ou criados por famílias biparentais
e multiparentais extrajudicialmente. Ocorre que, a partir da leitura atenta da doutrina e da
jurisprudência, foram encontrados regramentos importantes para a extrajudicialização do
registro de nascimento de pessoas naturais, como o Provimento 63/2017 do Conselho Nacional
de Justiça (CNJ), que apesar de não ser lei, possui força normativa primária e acolheu as
famílias decorrentes da biparentalidade e da reprodução assistida através da regulação
específica para esses casos que, agora, podem ocorrer diretamente nos Cartório de Registros de
Pessoas Naturais – dando, com isso, um sentimento de segurança jurídica à essas famílias. No
entanto, ainda é caso a ser bastante estudado o registro extrajudicial da multiparentalidade,
vistos todos os efeitos decorrentes do reconhecimento da parentalidade. Motivo pelo qual,
nesses casos, ainda haverá um longo percurso de discussões na jurisprudência e na doutrina
para se chegar à uma regulamentação legal e jurídica que traga de fato segurança jurídica aos
envolvidos. Decerto, de tudo o que se encontrou até o momento, a multiparentalidade tem muito
mais benefícios do que malefícios tanto ao infante quanto àquele que deseja sua parentalidade
reconhecida. No entanto, trata-se de assunto multidisciplinar e relativamente recente sobre o
qual o direito ainda precisa se ajustar para melhor atender a realidade social atual. A presente
monografia foi realizada a partir da leitura atenta do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, bem como
da doutrina e da jurisprudência que foram escolhidas qualitativamente a fim de dar fluência e
adequação ao tema abordado.
The present work, since the beginning, sought to find in the Brazilian legal system a legal regulation, beyond doctrine and jurisprudence, to the birth registration of children and adolescents born or adopted by the different family institutions found today. After all, 'families' nowadays go far beyond the traditional family drawn by the picture of just a father and a mother. Firstly, the hypothesis was that was not possible to register extrajudicially the birth of infants born and raised by biparental and multiparental families. In fact, from the careful reading of the doctrine and the jurisprudence, important rules were found for the extrajudicial registration of birth, as Provision 63/2017 of the National Council of Justice (CNJ), which although it's not a law, has a primary normative force and assembled biparentally and assisted reproduction families through specific regulation for these cases, which can now occur directly in the Registry of Natural Persons - giving a sense of legal security to these families. However, the extrajudicial registration of multiparental families is still something that needs considerable study, considering all the effects resulting from the recognition of parenting. That is why, in these cases, there will be a long way of discussions in jurisprudence and doctrine to arrive at a legal and juridical regulation that does bring legal security to those involved. Looking all that has been found so far, the recognition of multiparental families has much more benefits than harm to the infant and those who wants their parenting recognized. However, it is a multidisciplinary and relatively recent issue on which the law still needs to adjust itself to attend society. The present monograph was based on a careful reading of the Brazilian legal system, as well as the doctrine and jurisprudence that were chosen qualitatively in order to give fluency and adequacy to the chosen topic.
The present work, since the beginning, sought to find in the Brazilian legal system a legal regulation, beyond doctrine and jurisprudence, to the birth registration of children and adolescents born or adopted by the different family institutions found today. After all, 'families' nowadays go far beyond the traditional family drawn by the picture of just a father and a mother. Firstly, the hypothesis was that was not possible to register extrajudicially the birth of infants born and raised by biparental and multiparental families. In fact, from the careful reading of the doctrine and the jurisprudence, important rules were found for the extrajudicial registration of birth, as Provision 63/2017 of the National Council of Justice (CNJ), which although it's not a law, has a primary normative force and assembled biparentally and assisted reproduction families through specific regulation for these cases, which can now occur directly in the Registry of Natural Persons - giving a sense of legal security to these families. However, the extrajudicial registration of multiparental families is still something that needs considerable study, considering all the effects resulting from the recognition of parenting. That is why, in these cases, there will be a long way of discussions in jurisprudence and doctrine to arrive at a legal and juridical regulation that does bring legal security to those involved. Looking all that has been found so far, the recognition of multiparental families has much more benefits than harm to the infant and those who wants their parenting recognized. However, it is a multidisciplinary and relatively recent issue on which the law still needs to adjust itself to attend society. The present monograph was based on a careful reading of the Brazilian legal system, as well as the doctrine and jurisprudence that were chosen qualitatively in order to give fluency and adequacy to the chosen topic.
biparentalidade , multiparentalidade , registro civil de nascimento , procedimento extrajudicial , biparental , multiparental , civil birth registration , extrajudicial procedure