Um operador na selva das ideias: a obra pragmático-operacional de Hely Lopes Meirelles
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Tornincasa, Caio Leonardo Corralo
Vellozo, Júlio César de Oliveira
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O presente trabalho de conclusão de curso tem por objeto a obra e a história de Hely Lopes
Meirelles. A proposta do presente estudo interpretar a obra do autor por meio de duas
perspectivas fundamentais: uma primeira, subjetiva, na qual procurar-se-á verificar os
principais temas abordados por Hely Lopes Meirelles sob a ótica das suas principais ocupações
e possíveis predileções políticas, morais e ideológicas. Tais predileções são extraídas do
contexto histórico e da vida pessoal e profissional do autor, também analisada no texto; a
segunda perspectiva consiste num recorte zetético sobre os principais temas enfrentados por
Hely Lopes Meirelles. Para tanto, instrumentalizar-se-á a literatura sociológica que aborda a
formação das cidades e do sistema eleitoral brasileiro, sobretudo Victor Nunes Leal e Sérgio
Buarque de Holanda. Além disso, o recorte zetético permite uma abordagem crítica, com base
na teoria geral do direito, através das categorias teóricas construídas por Fernando Dias
Menezes de Almeida. A partir das análises, pode-se concluir que Hely Lopes Meirelles adota
uma postura pragmática-operacional do direito administrativo, com forte teor nacionalista. No
tocante ao municipalismo, o autor tem influência direta da literatura sociológica, principalmente
no tocante à temática da autonomia municipal, embora apresente uma postura sutilmente
divergente das posturas sociológicas estudadas.
The present thesis aims to analyze the work and life of Hely Lopes Meirelles. The main purpose of this study is to interpret the author's work through two fundamental perspectives. The first perspective is subjective, in which the main themes addressed by Hely Lopes Meirelles will be verified from the perspective of his main occupations and possible political, moral and ideological predilections. Such predilections are extracted from the historical context and from the author's personal and professional life, also analyzed in the text. The second perspective consists of a zethetic cutout on the main themes faced by Hely Lopes Meirelles. For this purpose, the exam of sociological literature associated the formation of cities and the Brazilian electoral system will be instrumental, especially in relation to the works of Victor Nunes Leal and Sérgio Buarque de Holanda. In addition, the zethetic cutout allows for a critical study of Hely Lopes Meirelles's work based on the general theory of law, through the administrative law theoretical categories built by Fernando Dias Menezes de Almeida. From the analyses, one can conclude that Hely Lopes Meirelles held a pragmatic-operational stance on administrative law, with a strong nationalist tenor. Regarding municipalism, the author was directly influenced by sociological literature, especially about 'municipal autonomy', in spite of having a subtly divergence.
The present thesis aims to analyze the work and life of Hely Lopes Meirelles. The main purpose of this study is to interpret the author's work through two fundamental perspectives. The first perspective is subjective, in which the main themes addressed by Hely Lopes Meirelles will be verified from the perspective of his main occupations and possible political, moral and ideological predilections. Such predilections are extracted from the historical context and from the author's personal and professional life, also analyzed in the text. The second perspective consists of a zethetic cutout on the main themes faced by Hely Lopes Meirelles. For this purpose, the exam of sociological literature associated the formation of cities and the Brazilian electoral system will be instrumental, especially in relation to the works of Victor Nunes Leal and Sérgio Buarque de Holanda. In addition, the zethetic cutout allows for a critical study of Hely Lopes Meirelles's work based on the general theory of law, through the administrative law theoretical categories built by Fernando Dias Menezes de Almeida. From the analyses, one can conclude that Hely Lopes Meirelles held a pragmatic-operational stance on administrative law, with a strong nationalist tenor. Regarding municipalism, the author was directly influenced by sociological literature, especially about 'municipal autonomy', in spite of having a subtly divergence.
Hely Lopes Meirelles , direito administrativo , direito municipal , Victor Nunes Leal , Fernando Dias Menezes de Almeida , administrative law , municipal law