Reeducar x punir: programas de reeducação para homens autores de violência doméstica como alternativa à justiça retributiva, à luz da lei 13.984/2020
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Girardello, Gabriel de Andrade
Andreucci, Ana Cláudia Pompeu Torezan
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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal o estudo de programas de reeducação para
homens autores de violência doméstica de modo a elencá-los como possível método
alternativo à justiça retributiva tradicional, a se iniciar no âmbito da Lei Maria da Penha e a
proteção de mulheres ante à violência doméstica, à luz da recente alteração promovida nesta
legislação: a Lei 13.984/2020 que inclui tais programas como novas medidas protetivas de
urgência; e a partir do trabalho realizado por um destes programas: o projeto Tempo de
Despertar. A partir de levantamento e análise bibliográfica, buscou-se promover o diálogo
entre fontes e, através da crítica dos modelos de justiça atualmente em voga, iniciar a
discussão sobre alternativas que promovessem uma própria reflexão do indivíduo e seu
comportamento, uma transformação interna que transbordasse para uma modificação na
sociedade como um todo. Verificou-se, em concordância com amplos estudos até então
realizados, que a justiça retributiva atualmente aplicada em nosso país encontra-se em estado
lastimável e contraditório em sua prática ante os princípios trazidos pela legislação, o que
acarreta o contínuo aumento da criminalidade e reincidência. Em contrapartida, verificou-se
que, apesar de críticas existentes a um modelo ainda recente, os programas de reeducação de
homens autores de violência trazem resultados de grande importância para a redução dos
índices de reincidência e para a reconstrução de laços afetivos, podendo ser este um modelo a
ser ampliado para a justiça tradicional, seja para substituí-la ou, ao menos, complementá-la
em seu trabalho de ressocialização.
This work aims the study of reeducation programs for men who have committed domestic violence in order to consider it as a possible alternative method rather than traditional retributive justice, starting in the context of the Maria da Penha Law and the protection of women victims of domestic violence, in the light of the recent amendment provided for this legislation: Law 13.984/2020, which includes such programs as new emergency protective measures; and from the work done by one of such programs: the “Tempo de Despertar” Project. Based on a bibliographic survey and analysis, and through the criticism of the justice models currently in vogue, this work has sought to discuss alternatives that would promote the subject’s own reflection on his behavior, possibly generating an internal transformation that would overflow a change in Society as a whole. It was found, then, that the retributive justice currently applied in Brazil is in a pitiful and contradictory state considering its practice and consequences, in opposition to the principles brought by its legislation, which leads to the continuous increase of crime and recurrence rates. On the other hand, this work has found that, despite the existence of criticisms of a still recent model, the reeducation programs for men who committed domestic violence bring results of great importance for the reduction of recurrence rates and for the reconstruction of affective bonds, which can be taken as a model to be extended to traditional justice, either to completely replace it or at least to complement it in its resocialization work.
This work aims the study of reeducation programs for men who have committed domestic violence in order to consider it as a possible alternative method rather than traditional retributive justice, starting in the context of the Maria da Penha Law and the protection of women victims of domestic violence, in the light of the recent amendment provided for this legislation: Law 13.984/2020, which includes such programs as new emergency protective measures; and from the work done by one of such programs: the “Tempo de Despertar” Project. Based on a bibliographic survey and analysis, and through the criticism of the justice models currently in vogue, this work has sought to discuss alternatives that would promote the subject’s own reflection on his behavior, possibly generating an internal transformation that would overflow a change in Society as a whole. It was found, then, that the retributive justice currently applied in Brazil is in a pitiful and contradictory state considering its practice and consequences, in opposition to the principles brought by its legislation, which leads to the continuous increase of crime and recurrence rates. On the other hand, this work has found that, despite the existence of criticisms of a still recent model, the reeducation programs for men who committed domestic violence bring results of great importance for the reduction of recurrence rates and for the reconstruction of affective bonds, which can be taken as a model to be extended to traditional justice, either to completely replace it or at least to complement it in its resocialization work.
reeducação , programas de reeducação de homens autores de violência , justiça restaurativa , lei Maria da Penha , reeducation , reeducation programs for men who committed domestic violence , restorative justice , Maria da Penha law