A formação de UPIS em casos de recuperação judicial de concessionárias
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Nabahan, Fernanda Brotto Gonçalves Ferreira
Bdine Junior, Hamid Charaf
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O presente artigo terá como objeto de análise os métodos de recuperação judicial,
com enfoque na formação e alienação de unidades produtivas isoladas – mais conhecidas como
UPIs - e como elas podem ser entendidas em um cenário no qual a companhia que tenha
ajuizado o pedido de recuperação judicial e, tenha em seu plano aprovado em sede de
assembleia geral de credores e homologado judicialmente, com previsão de para este método
de venda de seus bens, visando a geração de fluxo de caixa, seja uma concessionária de um
serviço público. Serão apresentados no decorrer do texto as diversas formas que o poder público
pode se utilizar para a delegação de certas atividades ao ente privado, o porquê de seu uso, bem
como a forma na qual elas devem ser desenvolvidas e os seus limites. Por fim, o trabalho irá,
também, se debruçar sobre alguns casos concretos que foram polêmicos sobre o tema ou que
podem ser, diante de um recente ajuizamento, bem como o que seria uma possível solução, no
caso de um aumento do número de pedidos recuperacionais ajuizados por empresas que prestam
esse tipo de serviço (ou “concessionárias”).
The following article will analyze the methods that can be used in the judicial reorganization procedure, focusing on the formation and sale of an isolated productive unit – known in Brazil as “UPIs” – and what part they play in a scenario in which the company that has filed for the judicial reorganizations and, has in its approved at the general meeting of creditors and judicially homologated in court plan, foreseeing this method of selling its assets, in order to increase its cash flow, is a public service concessionaire. It will be presented throughout the text the several methods that can be applied by the public authorities to delegate certain activities to the private entity, the reason why this delegations happens, as well as the way in which they should be developed and their specific limits. Finally, the paper will also focus on some concrete cases that were controversial over that subject or that may be, given a recent filing, as well as what would be a possible solution, in the case of an increase in the number of judicial reorganization being filled by companies that provide this type of service (or “concessionaire”).
The following article will analyze the methods that can be used in the judicial reorganization procedure, focusing on the formation and sale of an isolated productive unit – known in Brazil as “UPIs” – and what part they play in a scenario in which the company that has filed for the judicial reorganizations and, has in its approved at the general meeting of creditors and judicially homologated in court plan, foreseeing this method of selling its assets, in order to increase its cash flow, is a public service concessionaire. It will be presented throughout the text the several methods that can be applied by the public authorities to delegate certain activities to the private entity, the reason why this delegations happens, as well as the way in which they should be developed and their specific limits. Finally, the paper will also focus on some concrete cases that were controversial over that subject or that may be, given a recent filing, as well as what would be a possible solution, in the case of an increase in the number of judicial reorganization being filled by companies that provide this type of service (or “concessionaire”).
recuperação judicial , unidade produtiva isolada , concessão , judicial reorganization , isolated productive unit , concession