Os limites do dano extrapatrimonial na Justiça do Trabalho sob a luz da Lei 13.467/2017
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Silva, Thais Santos da
Cavalcante, Jouberto de Quadros Pessoa
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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar crítica às inovações trazidas pela Lei 13.467/2017, Reforma Trabalhista que alterou o texto da Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho. Preliminarmente, demonstra-se que há uma base constitucional e civil na reparação de danos morais. Expõe-se a variabilidade dos danos imateriais, abordando-se as condutas mais frequentes no âmbito do Judiciário Trabalhista, tratando-se dos danos ao trabalhador individualmente, de modo a demonstrar que existe uma multiplicidade de danos que podem afetar cada trabalhador individualmente de formas distintas. Para tanto, fez-se uso de pesquisa doutrinária e jurisprudencial nos Tribunais Regionais do Trabalho e principalmente do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho, levou-se também em conta publicações jornalísticas a fim de demonstrar a frequência com a qual o trabalhador é lesado. Por meio dessa exposição de hipóteses de danos extrapatrimoniais foram tecidas críticas a partir da base de cálculo que a lei trabalhista traz para o cálculo da indenização por danos extrapatrimoniais, e a partir da tarifação que a lei apresenta com faixas de indenização em relação a intensidade da lesão, gerando no todo uma precificação do dano ao trabalhador e caráter discriminatório. Pode-se inferir da pesquisa, por fim, que a reforma na legislação resultou na limitação à reparação de danos, assim como fez-se insuficiente no sentido da reparação civil de atenuar a dor do lesado e refrear novas condutas da mesma natureza.
This paper aims to present criticism of the innovations brought by Law 13.467/2017, Labor Reform that changed the text of the Consolidation of Labor Laws. Preliminarily, it is demonstrated that there is a constitutional and civil basis in the redress of moral damages. The variability of immaterial damages is exposed, approaching the most frequent behaviors within the Labor Judiciary, dealing with damages to the individual worker, in order to demonstrate that there is a multiplicity of damages that can affect each individual worker in different ways. For this purpose, doctrinal and jurisprudential research were used of the Regional Labor Courts and especially the Superior Labor Court. Journalistic publications were also take into account to demonstrate the frequency with which the worker is injured. Through this exposure of hypotheses of off-balance sheet damages, criticisms were made from the calculation basis that the labor law brings to the calculation of compensation for off-balance sheet damages and from the charging that the law presents with indemnity bands in relation to the intensity of the injury, generating on the pricing of the damage to the worker and discriminatory character. It can be inferred from the research, finally, that the reform of the legislation resulted in the limitation of the reparation of damages, as it was insufficient in the sense of the civil reparation to mitigate the injured person's pain and to curb new conduct of the same nature.
This paper aims to present criticism of the innovations brought by Law 13.467/2017, Labor Reform that changed the text of the Consolidation of Labor Laws. Preliminarily, it is demonstrated that there is a constitutional and civil basis in the redress of moral damages. The variability of immaterial damages is exposed, approaching the most frequent behaviors within the Labor Judiciary, dealing with damages to the individual worker, in order to demonstrate that there is a multiplicity of damages that can affect each individual worker in different ways. For this purpose, doctrinal and jurisprudential research were used of the Regional Labor Courts and especially the Superior Labor Court. Journalistic publications were also take into account to demonstrate the frequency with which the worker is injured. Through this exposure of hypotheses of off-balance sheet damages, criticisms were made from the calculation basis that the labor law brings to the calculation of compensation for off-balance sheet damages and from the charging that the law presents with indemnity bands in relation to the intensity of the injury, generating on the pricing of the damage to the worker and discriminatory character. It can be inferred from the research, finally, that the reform of the legislation resulted in the limitation of the reparation of damages, as it was insufficient in the sense of the civil reparation to mitigate the injured person's pain and to curb new conduct of the same nature.
dano extrapatrimonial , justiça do trabalho , base de cálculo , tarifação , crítica , off-balance sheet damage , labor justice , calculation basis , pricing , critical