Tributação e racismo: os impactos sociorraciais da regressividade tributária brasileira
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Oliveira, Mariana Clara Magalhães de
Almeida, Silvio Luiz de
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Este trabalho dedica-se à análise dos efeitos do atual sistema tributário brasileiro sobre a desigualdade social, percorrendo desde os aspectos relevantes da historicidade da constituição do sistema tributário brasileiro, até o debate sobre a iniquidade fiscal como resultante da regressividade tributária decorrente da alta tributação sobre o consumo. Dessa forma, busca-se discutir o sistema tributário como catalisador da desigualdade historicamente estruturada pelo racismo, tendo como efeito a desvantagem econômica dos negros pobres dentro da sociedade brasileira.
Portanto, o presente texto busca demonstrar que um sistema tributário para buscar a sua máxima eficiência deve perquirir os princípios da equidade e da capacidade contributiva, bem como ser desenhado sobre uma política fiscal que vise instaurar um sistema tributário baseado em justiça fiscal e social e pautado em diretrizes de uma justiça redistributiva, observando os parâmetros de raça e classe social estruturantes da sociedade brasileira.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effects of the current Brazilian tax system on social inequality, going through the main aspects of the historicity of the constitution of the Brazilian tax system onto the debate on fiscal inequality as a result of the tax regressiveness resulting from the high taxation on the consumption. Thus, we aim to discuss the tax system as a catalyst for inequality historically structured by racism, resulting in the economic disadvantage of poor blacks within Brazilian society. Therefore, the present text purposes to demonstrate that a tax system to achieve its maximum efficiency must pursue the principles of equity and contributory capacity, as well as be designed on a fiscal policy aimed at establishing a tax system based on fiscal and social justice and based on guidelines of a redistributive justice, observing the structuring parameters of race and social class of Brazilian society.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effects of the current Brazilian tax system on social inequality, going through the main aspects of the historicity of the constitution of the Brazilian tax system onto the debate on fiscal inequality as a result of the tax regressiveness resulting from the high taxation on the consumption. Thus, we aim to discuss the tax system as a catalyst for inequality historically structured by racism, resulting in the economic disadvantage of poor blacks within Brazilian society. Therefore, the present text purposes to demonstrate that a tax system to achieve its maximum efficiency must pursue the principles of equity and contributory capacity, as well as be designed on a fiscal policy aimed at establishing a tax system based on fiscal and social justice and based on guidelines of a redistributive justice, observing the structuring parameters of race and social class of Brazilian society.
sistema tributário nacional , princípio da capacidade contributiva , regressividade tributária , desigualdade social , racismo , national tax system , principle of contributory capacity , tax regression , social inequality , racism